LL-L "Lexicon" 2005.09.08 (08) [E/LS/German]

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Thu Sep 8 23:02:06 UTC 2005

L O W L A N D S - L * 08.SEP.2005 (08) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Jo Thys <jo.thijs1 at telenet.be>
Subject: LL-L "Lexicon" 2005.09.08 (02) [E/German]

Hoi Roger, all,

> From: Roger Hondshoven <roger.hondshoven at pandora.be>
>  In my experience, in Dutch and in Flemish dialects 'gans' is a 'paper'
> word, seldom used in spoken, natural speech. The normal word, to me, is
> 'heel'.

I believe in (south?) Limburg 'gans' is preferred above 'heel', like in 'de
ganse doag',' de godganse doag' and somethimes both like in 'helegans' as an

Vriendelijke groeten,

Jo Thys


From: Luc Hellinckx <luc.hellinckx at gmail.com>
Subject: LL-L "Lexicon"

Beste Heiko,

Here in Brabant we say "giël" (< geheel (D)) if we want to use Dutch "heel" 
as an adjective (e.g. "Giël dat oës laa overenne" = "(Ge)heel dat huis lag 
overeind" = "The whole house is a complete shambles" (E)).
But in case of an adverb we'd rather say "giëlegans" (e.g. "Ge zè(t) 
giëlegans mis" = "Ge zijt geheel en(de) gans mis" = "Je bent compleet 
fout"). Or also "grat": "Ge zè(t) grat mis".

Voilà...kind greetings,

Luc Hellinckx


From: Heiko Evermann <heiko.evermann at gmx.de>
Subject: Mathevokabeln, die zweite

Moin Ron, moin tosamen,

wi bruukt noch mehr mathematsche Wöör. Af un an hebbt wi wat funnen. Dann 
ik weten, ob dat goot is, oder nich. Un för allens bruuk ik Vörslääg vun jo.

* gerade Zahl / ungerade Tall. Dat hebb ik in Peter Neuber sien "Wöhrner 
funnen: "eben Tall" un "uneben Tall" (so as ok op Ingelsch un 
Oder villicht "gerade" un "ungerade", wat denkt Ji?

* "genau" as in "Eine Primzahl ist eine natürliche Zahl mit genau zwei
verschiedenen natürlichen Teilern,"
* genau dann, wenn /if and only if ) (as in "Eine Zahl ist durch 2 teilbar
genau dann, wenn ihre letzte Ziffer gerade ist") –

* Punkt –
* Gerade –
* Fläche –
* Ebene –
* Dreieck – Dreeeck (Dree-eck), Dreekant, Dreeangel
* dreieckig => dreeeckig, dreekantig
* Viereck – => Veereck / Veerkant (man in de Mathematik is wichtig, dat dat 
Ding dree Ecken hett un nich dat dat dree Kanten hett...)
* Vieleck (Polygon) –
* Kreis => Krink (Kringel? Ring?)
* Raute => Ruut
* Quadrat
* Rhombus

Velen Dank un veel Spaß,

Hartlich Gröten,

Heiko Evermann


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Lexicon

Hi, Heiko!

Uh-oh!  Are you busy with your illicit craft again, eische Jung?  ;-)  Ah, 
well.  Being pretty darn _eisch_ myself, why not get some of the action 

> * gerade Zahl / ungerade Tall. Dat hebb ik in Peter Neuber sien "Wöhrner 
> Wöör"
> funnen: "eben Tall" un "uneben Tall" (so as ok op Ingelsch un 
> Nedderlannsch).
> Oder villicht "gerade" un "ungerade", wat denkt Ji?

(I'll follow the school of _Tall_ from now on, just to make things simple, 
and I won't even apologize.)

I kind of like _ävene Tall_ (unevene ~ unäbene ~ unebene Tall) and _unävene 
Tall_ (unevene ~ unäbene ~ unebene Tall), assuming that it is readily 
understandable to all.

I don't like _geraad'_, _ungeraad'_, which seem like loans.  While 
_g(e)raad;_ is used by some people, I've never come across *_ung(e)raad'_; 
that would be _unäven_.

_Liek_ is possible for 'straight' (also meaning 'same'), but I'm not 
comfortable with it in the sense of 'even (number)'.  Also, I doubt that 
*_unliek_ exists.  If you want to say the opposite, it tends to be _unäven_. 
So _även_ <> _unäven_ offers symmetry and is consistent with Dutch and 

> * "genau" as in "Eine Primzahl ist eine natürliche Zahl mit genau zwei
> verschiedenen natürlichen Teilern,"

Possibilities:  _nau_, _nipp_ ~ _niep_, _akraat_ (~ _ackeraat_)
   emphatic: _nipp un nau_

I have a hard time choosing between _nipp (un nau)_ and _akraat_.  I really 
feel that they are exchangeable, also in the sense of "precise" in 
describing action (e.g., _Se schrievt allens (heel) nipp un nau up_ ~ _Se 
schrievt allens (heel) akraat up_).

* genau dann, wenn /if and only if ) (as in "Eine Zahl ist durch 2 teilbar
genau dann, wenn ihre letzte Ziffer gerade ist") –

Een Tall kannst akraat denn dör(ch) 2 delen, wenn ähr letzte Nummer 
(Ziffer?) även is.
Een Tall kannst jüst(emang) denn dör(ch) 2 delen, wenn ähr letzte Nummer 
(Ziffer?) även is.

What do you think?

> * Punkt –
Punkt, Tüttel (m.)

> * Gerade –
(also means "equal," as in _Liekedeler_ "equal-part/share+er" = 'pirate')

> * Fläche –
Flach (n. ~ m.)

> * Ebene –
även Flach
(Topo-/geographically I'd use "även Land," även Flach," "även Strääk," 
"platt Land," or "Plattland".)

> * Dreieck – Dreeeck (Dree-eck), Dreekant, Dreeangel
_Dreeeck_ seems fine.
_Dreehook_ is another possibility (as in Dutch _driehoek_).

> * dreieckig => dreeeckig, dreekantig
dreeeckig, dreehokig

> * Viereck – => Veereck / Veerkant (man in de Mathematik is wichtig, dat 
> dat *
Ding dree Ecken hett un nich dat dat dree Kanten hett...)
Veereck, Veerhook

> * Vieleck (Polygon) –
Vääleck (Veeleck), Väälhook (Veelhook)

> * Kreis => Krink (Kringel? Ring?)
Krink, Zirkel
(A compass – German _Zirkel_ is a _Passer_. I wonder if you can use it in 
the geometric sense. _Zirkel_ is the safest, like Dutch _cirkel_.)

* Kreisfläche
Krinkflach (n.~m.)

> * Raute => Ruut
Rhombus, Ruut
N.B.: Dutch _ruit_ (1) rhombus, (2) window pane
LS: _Ruut_ 'window pane'

> * Quadrat
Quadraat, like(es) Veereck/Veerhook

> * Rhombus
see "Raute"

* Kugel

* Trapez

* Integralrechnung
Integraalräkenen (Integraalreken(en))

* Kurve
bagene Lien (f.), Bagen (m.)

By the way, I like _Räkenkunn_ (Rekenkunn, Rekenkund) for 'mathematics' and 
'arithmetic', as in Dutch (_rekenkunde_).

Obviously and inevitably, others will have different opinions.

Hold Di fuchtig!

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