LL-L "Levity" 2006.04.01 (02) [E/LS]

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Sun Apr 2 20:30:46 UTC 2006

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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
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   L O W L A N D S - L * 02 April 2006 * Volume 02

From: Global Moose Translations <globalmoose at t-online.de>
Subject: Levity

Dear Lowlanders,

I've been back from the hospital for two days, minus my left kidney, a 
cancerous tumour and lots of hemoglobine, plus two giant scars, oodles of 
pain and a new lease on life. I sincerely hope that this particular monster 
will never raise its ugly head again.

And then I came across this link... it nearly killed me because I laughed so 
hard that I thought my scar had burst in two, and my husband had to close 
the browser window just so I wouldn't look at it again, hee hee... it was 
sooo painful!

It's a website featuring Turkish recipes which was obviously first 
translated into English, then into German, both by machine translation 
(Babelfish). This resulted in highlights such as "KunstiErwürgt-Salat" 
(ArtiChoke - this was the one that almost got me!), "Blutgeschwür-Reis" 
(boiled rice) and "Klaps-Wasser" (tap water).

Here it is, enjoy!

Gabriele Kahn


From: Stellingwerfs Eigen <info at stellingwerfs-eigen.nl>
Subject: Idiomatica

Johannes "Jonny" wrote
>Hi, Piet and  Jacqueline,
>_nuver_ obviously is French: 'nouveau', and all of LS-people us dislike
> the NEWS ;-)!
> Oh, oh, dat schall woll Aarger geeben...
> Hebbt wii woll dennen eyrsten Dag van dennen April-Maand? April, April!??
> Tja, beste Lüüd- seggt mii eyn Deyl: dit Woord hebb ick (in mien
> Beestigkeyt) sülben 'kreiert', 'ruut-funnen', 'uut-klamüseert',

Vraoge: In wat kluppien (Gesellschaft)  bin ik hier eins belaand...?
Ik kan vanzels wel goelen/huilen da'k d'r intrapt binne mar ik kan d'r
gelookig wel omme lachen dat zoks nog bestaot. Hi'j was goed Johnny..!
Mar ik durf now haost gien bescheid meer te geven as Jonny wat te vraogen
het en zien antwoorden he'k van now of an ok gien fedusie meer in.;-) ;-)
Mit een vrundelike groet uut Stellingwarf (Fryslân),
Piet Bult 

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