LL-L 'Etymology' 2006.12.05 (03) [E/LS]
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Tue Dec 5 18:16:54 UTC 2006
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L O W L A N D S - L * 05 December 2006 * Volume 03
From: jonny [jonny.meibohm at arcor.de]
Subject: LL-L 'Etymology'
Beste Reinhard, Lowlanners,
sünd door welk klouke Lüü' mang Jou, de dat Wourd LS: _sodraad/-drood_, G:
'sobald', E: 'as soon' kennt? Ick sülbst kenn 't ne, man ick weyt, wat dat sou
bruukt waard (hoyza- steiht gänzli' in dennen 'Sass'!!!).
Wo kann dat '-draad' woll etymoloog'sch van avv-stammen?
English summary:
I'm looking for the etymological background of the word LS: _sodraad/-drood_, G:
'sobald', E: 'as soon'. Anyone at this illustrious table with an idea?
Johannes "Jonny" Meibohm
From: R. F. Hahn [sassisch at yahoo.com]
Subject: Etymology
Leyve Jonny,
Ik dou dat wourd wul kennen un bruken. "Wourd"? Nee! "Woyrd'": _so draad' (as)_
"Draad'" (~ "dra" [drQ:.(d)] < drade), as ook Nedderlandsch _dra_ (< _drade_)
beduydt "(sehr) bald" up Duytsch.
'Neem dat vun af-kamen dayt, dat weet ik ook nich.
I do know and use the word. "Word"? No! "Words": _so draad' (as)_ 'as soon as'
_Draad'_ (~ _dra_ [drQ:.(d)] < drade), like Dutch _dra_ (< _drade_) means 'soon'.
I have no idea about the origin.
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