LL-L 'Names' 2006.12.15 (04) [E/LS/Faeroese]
Lowlands-L List
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Sun Dec 17 23:40:27 UTC 2006
L O W L A N D S - L * 17 December 2006 * Volume 01
From: Roger Thijs, Euro-Support, Inc. <roger.thijs at euro-support.be>
Subject: LL-L 'Names' 2006.12.15 (04) [D/E/LS/V]
> From: Utz H. Woltmann < uwoltmann at gmx.de>
> Subject: LL-L 'History' 2006.12.13 (02) [LS]
>> Hahns Ron schreef:
>> Den hev ik 'n kompermiss-voerslag:
>> "de Nedder(e)n Landen" (de Neddern Lannen).
>> Daar sluutt wy den ook Nourd-Duytschland in annere kuntrayen mit in.
In the 19th century a movement in Flanders (Aldietsche beweging) used:
for the low-german speaking area from "Duinkerke" till "Königsberg".
"Diets" sounds like "Duits", but for "German" one used "Hoogduits" when
confusion was possible.
At the time the link with German was not cut in namegiving, after all
"Nederlands" (Dutch) still had as synonym "Nederduits" in Belgium and in the
Netherlands at the end of the 19th century.
In France they use "Pays-Bas français" (French Netherlands) for the area
historically belonging to the Low Countries, now the departments "Nord" and
"Pas-de-Calais". Only a small part of this area was germanic speaking (as to
written records from the 11th century on), of which some remnants remain in
the North of the dept. "Nord".
From: Roger Thijs, Euro-Support, Inc. <roger.thijs at euro-support.be>
Subject: LL-L Language Names
I have to be in Tórshavn the last week of the year, and I'm trying to
acquire some basics of the local language.
For lowlands languages, in føroyskt, they have definitions
indoevropeiska málættin, germanska greinin; frábrigdi av
hollendskum; móðurmál hjá sløkum 6.000.000 fólkum, harav góðum 5.800.000 í
Suðurafrika (ISO 639-1: af, ISO 639-2: afr)
indoevropeiska málættin, germanska greinin; móðurmál hjá um
310.000.000 fólkum, harav um 210.000.000 í USA, um 55.000.000 í Bretlandi,
góðum 17.000.000 í Kanada, um 15.700.000 í Avstralia, sløkum 3.500.000 í
Suðurafrika, um 3.200.000 í Nýsælandi og um 2.600.000 í Írlandi (ISO 639-1:
en, ISO 639-2: eng)
frábrigdi av hollendskum, sum er móðurmál í Belgia (somu ISO-kotur
sum hollendskt)
indoevropeiska málættin, germanska greinin; móðurmál hjá um 700.000
fólkum, meginparturin í Hollandi (ISO 639-1: fy, ISO 639-2: fry)
indoevropeiska málættin, germanska greinin; móðurmál hjá um
17.400.000 fólkum, harav sløkum 12.400.000 í Hollandi og um 4.600.000 í
Belgia; sí eisini afrikaans (ISO 639-1: nl, ISO 639-2: dut/nld)
indoevropeiska málættin, germanska greinin; móðurmál hjá meira enn
1.500.000 fólkum, harav um 900.000 í Hollandi, um 600.000 í Belgia og kanska
nøkrum 100.000 í Týsklandi (ISO 639-1: li, ISO 639-2: lim)
But I don't find anything in the list for Low-German,
for German-related though they have:
indoevropeiska málættin, germanska greinin; móðurmál hjá um 95.000.000
fólkum, harav um 75.000.000 í Týskalandi, um 7.500.000 í Eysturríki og um
960.000 í Kasakstan; sí eisini sveistýskt (ISO 639-1: de, ISO 639-2:
indoevropeiska málættin, germanska greinin; móðurmál hjá
sløkum 400.000 fólkum, harav um 300.000 í Luksemborg (ISO 639-1: lb, ISO
639-2: ltz)
indoevropeiska málættin, germanska greinin; frábrigdi av týskum;
móðurmál hjá um 6.000.000 fólkum, harav um 4.200.000 í Sveis, um 1.500.000 í
Fraklandi og um 29.000 í Liktinstein (somu ISO-kotur sum týskt)
Nor do I find anything for Scots, except for:
skotskt gæliskt
indoevropeiska málættin, keltiska greinin; móðurmál hjá um
62.000 fólkum, harav sløkum 59.000 í Skotlandi (ISO 639-1: gd, ISO 639-2:
I think hardly anty language has as much gap between the spoken forms and
the written standard (??), cf.:
(staying those days in: Hotel Vágar, Sørvágur, Sørvágur)
vágar is apparetly the plural of vágur
(meaning apparently the same thing as "way" in Galloway)
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Names
Thanks a lot, Roger.
I hardly thing "Aldietschland" would go down well these days.
It sounds like an interesting trip you're going on. Have fun! And try to
round up someone who can provide sound files for our two Faeroese
translations. :-)
Have a great trip!
I'll be in California that week.
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