LL-L 'Anniversary' 2006.12.23 (02) [D/E/V]
Lowlands-L List
lowlands.list at gmail.com
Sun Dec 24 18:57:43 UTC 2006
L O W L A N D S - L - 24 December 2006 - Volume 01
From: "Roland Desnerck" <desnerck.roland at skynet.be>
Subject: the wren
Beste Ron, olle Laiglanders én andersdenkenden,
I very often think my knowledge of the English language isn' t good enough.
Nevertheless this time an introduction in Albionic. However, many Lowlanders
write in German, Lowlandic, Dutch or Afrikaans ...
Ron, you asked me to produce the wren-story in my coastal West-Flemish or
Ostend dialect. A few months ago I've written to you that there's no big
difference between the dialects of Nieuwpoort and Oostende. I mentionned
only 18 kms between both fishingcities (with an Ingvaeonic influenced
coastal Flemish). But still, there are differences. Underneath the Ostend
version of "The Wren" ...
Et Pietekeuntsje,
E pietekeuntsje haa ze nésje in e wagekot néffers de sjheure. Up e ki vloogn
olletwai d' oeders vors. Ze woarn van siens frét t' hoaln voer hunder
joengsjes én azoo mostn ze ze wêl olaine in 't nést loatn. Achter e létsje
komt voader-pietekeuntsje were thuus.
"Wad is ter gebeurd?" vraagt hen, "je zie junder lik uut jen haak? Wad hé je
giender wél uutgestookn té?"
"Mo voader", zégn ze, "'t is hier e bastebéjer van e baiste lanks gekomm.
Hje was stief laik én hj' haad hie grote koejoogn én hje kaik doamee zoe
dullenholf nor uus! Me wierdn stief benowd!"
"Aan ja", zégt den own, "an waffere kant ist hen vorsgegoan?"
En de joengers: "Hje goengd hie langs gunterkantn!"
"Bluuf giender mor hier, 'k gon hém wé te stékn kriegn. Je moe junder nie mi
sjhraimm: 'k gon hém wé poale hén!" En hje vliegd hie vors.
Ost hen azoo bie e droaj komt, ziet hen e bastoard van e laiw loopm. Et
pietekeuntsje en hé gin sjhiet én spriengt bedain up die laiw ze rik. Hje
makt van ze foert teegn die grote baiste.
"Voe wa kom je gie bie mien huus én mak je gie mien joengers benowd?"
Mo de laiw geboart van low. Hje tsjaffert up ze duuzede gemaksjes deure.
"Mieljêrde!" sjhruuwelt et veugeltsje én da vermaist nog, "j' en hé gie hier
nietent te zoekn. En os je gie da nog ain ki fiekst (én hj' héft ze potsje
verdraignd up) tonne go je 't an ginain mi vorsvertéln! 'k En zien der nie
an, mor os 't moet, zoen 'k je van liefde 't hérte instampm!"
En tonne vliegt hen were no zien nést.
"Azoo si, joengesjes, stop et mo mé blêtn. 'k Hén 't hém up ze muule geplakt
dat hen junder moe grust loatn. J' en moe junder gin sjhiet mir hén: die
bastebéjer is vors én hj ' en go noojs mi were kairn!"
pietekeuntsje: winterkoninkje (eig. piete: klein vogeltje; keuntsje: klein
néffers: naast, nevens;
e létsje: een tijdje, een wijle;
bastebéjer: kanjer (eig. gebarsten bes);
dullenholf: zeer boos, gram, kwaad (eig. "dul" en half);
laik: lelijk;
stief: erg;
blêtn, sjhraimm: huilen;
etwien poale hén: iemand beet hebben, iemand vast krijgen;
bedain: meteen;
rik: rug;
van je foert maakn: schelden, uitvliegen;
van low geboarn: onverschillig doen, doen of het je niet aangaat;
tsjaffern: gaan, stappen;
up je duuzede gemaksjes: langzaam, zeer rustig, traag ;
sjhruuwelt: schreeuwt, tiert;
vermaizn: vermeerderen, toenemen;
etwad up etwien ze muule plank: iemand verwijten, iets rec<htuit zeggen, aan
het verstand brengen.
I hope, dear Ron, that you will enjoy this translation.
Vriendelijke groeten en "toetnoasteki,
Roland Desnerck,
Watergangstraat 9
8420 De Haan
desnerck.roland at skynet.be
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Anniversary
Dear Roland,
Thank you very, very much for the lovely translation.
As far as your previous communication about it is concerned, I assume that
either I did not receive it or that I received it when I had a senile
moment. It couldn't have been the use of language, because I understand your
Standard Dutch and your Flemish without any problems, the latter especially
now that I have a copy of your splendid dictionary that I still plan to
review on the List. Sorry I didn't get to it before Christmas, since the
dictionary would make a first-class "stocking stuffer."
One of the best gifts of the year 2006, however, Roland, has been having
your friendly and gentle presence on the List and having you share
information about Oostend Flemish.
You are perfectly entitled to write on the List in any language variety you
As far as translations for the anniversary project (
http://lowlands-l.net/anniversary/) are concerned, there is really no danger
of duplication, since no two dialects are identical and even the same
dialect isn't identical when used by more than one person. So our motto is
"the more the merrier."
And the same goes for sound recordings, of course.
This anniversary presentation has been quite a success as far as visitors'
numbers and responses are concerned, and several people have mentioned to me
that they find it a very rich and educational resource. This includes
communication from educators and students. The site is regularly visited by
people from all over the world, in part facilitated by me having added
language index versions in Dutch, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese,
Russian, Indonesian/Malay and Chinese. (Should I add Japanese?) There are
visitors from otherwise rarely represented countries as well, such as
Mongolia, Burkina Faso, Mali, Angola, Bhutan, Greenland, Nunavut,
Bangladesh, the Seychelles, the Maldives and Papua-New Guinea. By including
non-Lowlands language varieties in the "celebration" we cast our net very
widely and thus indirectly introduce our focus languages to people who
previously may not have been exposed to most of them.
I will add your translation as soon as possible, Roland. Thank you again.
[Tot het naaste keer]
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