LL-L "Folklore" 2006.02.01 (03) [E]
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Wed Feb 1 15:49:48 UTC 2006
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
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01 February 2006 * Volume 03
From: Felix Hülsey <felix.huelsey at gmx.de>
Subject: LL-L Folklore
Dear all,
Tom and Ron wrote re making a face:
> Tom:
>> In Edinburgh during my childhood when a kid pulled a face some elder
>> would
>> tell him/her ...
>> 'If a crow flies ower a hoose an' the wind changes Yer face'll stey like
>> that.'
> Wow! That's so much more elaborate than our tradition, which was simply
> that your face stayed like that if while pulling a face you happened to
> get startled! This is why people would go mockingly "Boo!" whenever a
> child pulled a face. Children knew the story, so the "Boo!" would
> suffice.
I recall my mother telling us that if we made a face and the clock
stroke at the same time, it would stay like that. After we had learned
to read the clock, it didn't deter us a lot any more.
We lived in Marl in the northern Ruhrgebiet area then, but this might
also have come from Thuringia where my mother's family hails from. As
was said in another posting, you rarely talked about these things out of
the family.
All the best from Cologne
Felix Hülsey
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