LL-L "Language varieties" 2006.02.14 (04) [E]
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Tue Feb 14 19:18:45 UTC 2006
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
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14 February 2006 * Volume 04
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Language varieties
I'm not sure if this should be under "Language varieties" or "Resources." I
expect the latter to lead to the former. So why not cut to the chase?
I found what I think is a really nice website dedicated to the study of a
village in Northern Poland:
Polish: Tuchomie, pow. Bytów, Pomorze
Kashubian: Tëchòmié, kréz Bëtowò, Pòmòrzkô
German: Groß Tüchen, Kreis Bütow, Pommern (Hinterpommern)
As a part-Pomeranian with interethnic passions myself, I really like it that
the creator of the pages approaches the subject in as much a non-partisan
and inclusive way as possible. Besides, while focussing on a certain
village (or "town" in American), it seems to include plenty of general
information about Pomerania:
I take the liberty to reproduce the introduction (in German, English Polish,
Kashubian and Low Saxon/Low German, in this order):
Beiträge zu Geschichte, Soziologie, Kultur und Genealogie Hinterpommerns und
zur Aufarbeitung des gemeinsamen Schicksals von Deutschen, Kaschuben, Polen,
Ukrainern und Russen dort. In Deutsch und Englisch, Graf Krockows Worte auch
in Polnisch. Diese Seiten sind den Pommern und ihren Nachfahren in aller
Welt gewidmet.
Contributions for history, sociology, culture and genealogy of Eastern
Pomerania and for the processing of the common fate of Germans, Kashubs,
Poles, Ukrainians and Russians there. In German and English, the words of
Count Krockow in Polish, too. These pages are dedicated to the Pomeranians
and their descendants in all world.
Wspólpraca w zakresie historii, socjologii, kultury i genealogii wschodniej
czesci Pomorza. Prezentacja wspólnego losu Niemców, Kaszubów, Polaków,
Ukrainców i Rosjan na tych ziemiach. Uwagi hrabiego von Krockow na temat
wypedzenia Niemców - podane w jezykach: angielskim, niemieckim i polskim.
Strony te dedykuje Pomorzanom i ich potomkom na calym swiecie.
Wespólrobota w kréze dzejów, socjologije, kulture ë pochodzënka ostowi parce
Pòmorzkô. Pokôz zbiérnegò dopusta Miemców, Kaszëbów, Polachów, Ukrainców ë
Rusków na tej zémi. Bôczënczi grôfa von Krockow o wënëkaniu Miemców - w
gôdkach : anielsczi, miemiecczi ë polsczi. Te starne sã poswiãcony
Pomorencom ë jich potómkom na calim swiece.
Bidräg to de Geschicht', Soziologie, Kultur un Genealogie von Hinnerpommern
un to de Uparbeitung von tosamen beläwte Schicksale von Düütsche, Kaschuben,
Polen, Ukrainers un Russen in disse Region. Up Düütsch un Engelsch; de Wüürd
von Graf Krockow ok up Polnisch. Disse Sieden sünd de Pommern un ehr
Kinneskinner in alle Welt todacht.
I'd prefer the authentisch _Poolsch_ instead of German _Polnisch_ in Low
I suggest adding the intro in Portuguese, because there are
Pomeranian-rooted communities in Brazil. I'll take a stab at it.
Corrections are requested.
Contribuições para a história, a sociologia, a cultura e a genealogia da
Pomeránia Oriental e para o processamento do fado comum de alemães,
kashubianos (cachubianos), pólos, ukranianos e russos naquela região. Em
alemão e inglês, as palavras de conde Krockow em polonês também. Essas
páginas são dedicadas ao pomeranos e os seus descendentes em todo o mundo.
Isn't it great that everyone is now in a position to discuss the
multi-ethnic regions that for a long time lay behind the Iron Curtain for us
in the "West"?
I know that we have at least two members that are interested in and in
contact with Pomeranian communities in Brazil. One of them joined us very
recently. (Bem vindo!) I would love to get information about such
communities, their history, culture and language(s).
Below please find a few relevant links.
In Portuguese:
In English:
In German:
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