LL-L "Diversity" 2006.02.27 (01) [E]

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Mon Feb 27 18:47:08 UTC 2006

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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West) Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeeuws)

   L O W L A N D S - L * 27 February 2006 * Volume 01

From: Helge Tietz <helgetietz at yahoo.com>
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2006.02.26 (05) [E]

Dear Lowlanders,

When I read those info about the meaning of place-name "Hamborg" and the 
fact that they only looked at Old-High-German, not at Old Saxonian I get the 
feeling that we haven't got any further than we were before, in Germany they 
speak German and that's it. I am wondering where current trends in Germany 
and also here in the Netherlands might lead to because there are calls in 
for children being forced to speak German only also during lesson breaks 
etc. In the Netherlands the interior minister Mrs. Verdonk wants to hear 
Dutch on the streets, pointing particularily to the Moroccan and Turlish 
copmmunities. But what will happen to Frisian, Low Saxon, Sorbian, 
Limburgish and Danish, are we returning to those days my mother told me when 
they were told off by the teahcer for speaking Low Saxon? They are talking a 
lot about "confirming to Dutch or German culture" but what do they mean with 
that? Eating chips! with mayonaise or Sauerkraut? I am fearing it is a fall 
back to those days we thought were over after Germany and the Netherlands 
signed the European minorities charter. And why should Turkish families not 
pass on the Turkish language to their children so the grand children can 
spreak to their Grand parents, what is the problem? Looking at the US it is 
more than evident that usually the immigrant languages disappear within the 
third generation and so far this is more than evident in Germany and the 
Netherlands as well, so what are Mr. Oettinger and Mrs. Verdonk are on 
about? I am afraid it is just another cheap populist utterance which could 
have bad percussians on us Low Saxon, Frisian, Danish, Sorbian, Limburgish 
and also immigrant Moroccoan and Turkish speakers. In Denmark Pia 
Kjaersgaard's anti-immigrant Danske Folkeparti has gained even more 
popularity after the whole Muhammed-cartoons issue and they are trying their 
best to fuel thin! gs into a proper "cultural war", I am afraid that this 
could even go further than that. Some politicians already called for 
boykotting shops run by apparently islamic people, now that brings us close 
to what happened in Germany to the Jews at the beginning of the 
Nazi-dictatorship. I think for us Low Saxons, Frisians, Scots, Gaels, 
Bretons, Maories, Surinaams, Yiddish-speakers, Sorbians, Basks and whatever 
minority it was always clear that every society is a mulitcultural society, 
it is a fact everywhere.

Neddersassische Groeten vun


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