LL-L "Anniversary" 2005.01.01 (02) [E]
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Sun Jan 1 22:06:54 UTC 2006
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
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L O W L A N D S - L * 01 January 2006 * Volume 02
From: "Ingmar Roerdinkholder" <ingmar.roerdinkholder at WORLDONLINE.NL>
Subject: LL-L "Anniversary" 2005.12.31 (02) [E]
Happy, lucky and funny New Year to everyone of(f) this LLList!
I wish to all of you that your goals in life will come closer and your
dreams will come truer...
And Ron: my Egyptian Arabic teacher already has done some "subtitling"
of the Arabic Wren story, she showed it to me but she wasn't ready yet,
and because of the holidays I haven't met her lately. Next time I'll ask
her, okay?
Btw, one of the first things she noticed was that the title in Arabic was
something like "the bird WREN", with the English word WREN just
transcribed in Arabic letters.
Never mind, we'll get it right soon, hopefully.
Reinhard wrote:
>Another request. I need someone to add vowel punctuation to our Arabic
>version or to make a romanized version of it.
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Anniversary
Many thanks, Ingmar, myn maat! And all good wishes to you for 2006 as
well as thanks for all you did for us in 2005. Remember that I, probably
like most other Lowlanders, appreciate your help and enthusiasm very much,
even though we don't constantly say so.
Good news about your Arabic teacher working on the Arabic version.
> Btw, one of the first things she noticed was that the title in Arabic was
> something like "the bird WREN", with the English word WREN just
> transcribed in Arabic letters.
I noticed that too and hoped that someone would change that. I suppose
the appropriate word is طائر اÙÙÙ
Ø© or سÙسÙÙØ© or
Ø©. Please tell her that she should feel free to edit the
translation in any way she deems fit if she agrees to have her name added
as a co-translator. And, of course, a sound file would be lovely.
Best wishes!
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