LL-L 'Anniversary' 2006.07.10 (07) [English]
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Tue Jul 11 06:09:33 UTC 2006
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L O W L A N D S - L * 10 July 2006 * Volume 07
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Anniversary
Dear Lowlanders,
As mentioned a couple of day's ago, I've been working on an Early Modern English
version of the wren story in drips and drabs. This is now finished. Well, so
far that is. Comments and suggestions are very welcome. Even more welcome are
narration volunteers. As I said, I'd like to have at least one recording in
period (Elizabethan) pronunciation. Don't make me do it myself, please! Though
anyone is welcome to do their own accent, I have waiting here a general phonetic
script for it which you are welcome to use. It's based on my (somewhat casual)
study of Elizabethan London pronunciation (which sounds like a mix of some
non-standard Modern English dialects, particularly like that of pirates retired
in Yorkshire ...).
Anyway, here it is:
First you'll see the "pretty" version in period script. (Sorry, Sandy!)
Click on the relevant link to see it transliterated in modern font, and on that
page you have the choice of going to a modernized orthography version. On these
two pages, you may rest the cursor (without clicking) on any difficult word or
phrase to see an explanation appear. (Remember that many words are familiar to
you but may have different meanings in the language of the time in specific
contects.) Those of you whose English is excellent will pardon me for having
"over-glossed" a bit for the sake of those whose knowledge of more obscure words
is doubtful.
Enjoy if you can!
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