LL-L 'History' 2006.07.11 (01) [E]
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Tue Jul 11 14:50:42 UTC 2006
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L O W L A N D S - L * 11 July 2006 * Volume 01
From: Paul Finlow-Bates <wolf_thunder51 at yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: LL-L 'History' 2006.07.10 (05) [E]
From: 'Roger Thijs, Euro-Support, Inc.'
Subject: LL-L 'History' 2006.07.10 (03) [E]
It is a general opinion in the Aachen-Eupen area that Charlemagne spoke
Ãcher Platt.
Cf. Publications by Witgens and others.
I've also heard that he routinely spoke a Frankish-influenced Latin (proto-French
if you like) on a day-to-day basis, as he was surrounded by people of so many
different backgrounds. I can't quote any sources though.
Paul Finlow-Bates
From: Paul Finlow-Bates <wolf_thunder51 at yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: LL-L 'History' 2006.07.10 (02) [E]
From: Wesley Parish
Subject: LL-L 'History' 2006.07.09 (03) [E]
> Canute (Knut) is also sometimes refered to as "The Great", and he was king
> of England for a while.
That's the arrogance of the Pommies! Any foreigner who's basically walked
into a job as their king, and isn't actively disliked, gets the star
treatment. E.g., Queen Victoria's worship of the dead Prince Albert... ;)
If you read what I wrote carefully, I said "King of England" not "English King".
That said, as a Dane, he spoke a language mutually intelligible with the English
of the time, and was recognised as king by Saxon and Dane alike.
As for claiming any successful foreigners as our "one of our own", that's a bit
rich coming from an Australian - or did you take out a patent on multiculturalism?!!
Paul Finlow-Bates
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: History
Far be it from me to fan a flare-up between you and Paul, but I have to admit
that I didn't quite get that "arrogance" thing. Now I think you meant it
sarcastically, namely the opposite of what you said, meaning "contrary to common
allegations of arrogance and exclusivity," and I think so because of your smiley.
Am I on to something? Is my penny just extra-slow in dropping?
Since one of my (several) feet is planted (and has taken roots) in Australia and
I'm thus a fellow-ANZACian and a fellow-Commonwealthian, I think I am permitted
to say in Wesley's "defense" that he's a New Zealander. And we adore him anyway.
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