LL-L 'Resources' 2006.07.17 (07) [E]

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Mon Jul 17 19:52:18 UTC 2006

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L O W L A N D S - L * 17 July 2006 * Volume 07

From: Obiter Dictum <obiterdictum at mail.ru>
Subject: LL-L 'Resources' 2006.07.17 (06) [E]

> Subject: Resources
Ron wrote:
> Folks,
> Those of you wishing to listen to Afrikaans have a great
> opportunity to do so via the Internet broadcast of Radio
> Sonder Grense (Johannesburg). There are lots of
> literature readings.

Ahem... Odd: I didn't know you didn't know. Or I'd have posted that. Matter of
fact, I have listened in to RSG for months now. (So far, hopeless... Still double
Dutch to me :) )

> Streaming audio (Windows Media Player):
> http://www.rsg.co.za/ewmp.asx
> Enjoy!

Great. I used to enter their IP address: mms://

Now, my R2 (roubles or rands--whichever you like):

There is a way you can capture streaming radio/audio on the Internet (including
RSG) without recurring to physically wiring the output of your soundcard to its
input socket (it deteriorates the quality). Visit http://sdp.ppona.com/ and
download free software that, after installed, intercepts and saves streamed sound
on your hard drive in the same format (.asx).
The program is fairly simple in operation (compared to others and esp. to
physical wiring). It can run simultaneously with the Windows Player and you can
monitor the what you are recording. Just don't forget to give a freshly saved
file a new name instead of the default one (the default will be like
rsg_live.asx), lest the next recording session overwrites it.
I don't know if it's legal or not (and in what jurisdictions it is or is not).
But if you keep it to yourself, no trouble can expected. You can even build a
library of sound records (on CDs).
One problem with the .asx format is that there don't seem to exist sound editing
programs (at least freely downloadable) to crop/trim and edit the recording in
this format. It has to be converted first into an .mp3, or .wav file, or
something else before you can use, for example, Audacity or SoundForge.
Again, I could find so far no freely downloadable converters of .asf to .mp3. If
someone knows such a free converter, let me know.
If you have questions/problems about SDP, let me know.
Enjoy :)

Vlad Lee


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Resources

Hi, Vlad!

I have known about Radio Sonder Grense for quite some time, but I rarely get to
listen to it.  Just this morning, while doing some mindless chores at home, I was
listening to some children's readings broadcast from Johannesburg, and I thought
some Lowlanders might not yet know about this resource.  (Some people are more
resourceful online than others.)

Keep listening!  One day you'll suddenly understand a lot.  That's what happened
to me approaching Spanish with prior reading experience and Portuguese proficiency.

It's quite wonderful that we can listen to radio (and watch TV) from all over the
world these days.  I often listen to German, Dutch, Belgian, British and
Australian stations, to music, news and talkshows.

So far there's little activity in the "smaller" languages area, except some Low
Saxon segments from Germany.

Thanks for the software tip.  I'll try it out as soon as I get time.


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