LL-L 'Language varieties' 2006.07.17 (10) [E]

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Mon Jul 17 23:30:31 UTC 2006

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L O W L A N D S - L * 17 July 2006 * Volume 10

From: 'Ben J. Bloomgren' <godsquad at cox.net>
Subject: LL-L 'Language varieties' 2006.07.17 (03) [E]

Humerous attempts at representing dialects crop up all over the world.
Lauder's "Let's Talk Strine" in the 60s was one of the most popular, but it
back way beyond that. I recall an article in the "Leicester Mercury" in
'64, following a BBC programme supposedly set in Leicester, bemoaning
triner tekkuzoff."

Tom and all, there's a site called whoohoo or something that has a dialect
translator... I'd bet that it's a pile of pucky though.


From: 'Ben J. Bloomgren' <godsquad at cox.net>
Subject: LL-L 'Anniversary' 2006.07.17 (01) [E]
So, I'm not too sure about its origins. Just something you hear in
(Northern) New

Mike, is that dialect as we hear it on the audio file still in use up there,
or have Boston and New Yaak crashed the paaty?

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