LL-L "Delectables" 2006.03.06 (06) [E]

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Mon Mar 6 19:07:40 UTC 2006

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   L O W L A N D S - L * 06 February 2006 * Volume 06

From: Karl-Heinz Lorenz <karl-heinz.lorenz at gmx.net>
Subject: LL-L "Delectables" 2006.03.06 (04) [E]

Moin Reinhard!

You wrote:

>The same goes for eel soup, by the way.<

I thought, that Aalsupp has at least originally nothing to do with G Aal, 
and so only referred to as eel soup by mistake, as it's correct etymology is 
from LS "aal(?)", HG/D "alles", E "all" or "everything", hence a soup with 
different ingredients, depending on what has been left over from earlier 
meals. Sozusagen: "Restlsuppn", as we would say in Austria.




From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Delectables

Moin, Karl-Heinz!

As I said, I'm not an authority in these things.  However, I can assure you 
that _Aalsupp_ actually contains eel.  There is a version without the eel, 
usually containing something like hamhocks (and we did eat that version at 
home), and it is called _Suursupp_ in Low Saxon _and _saure Suppe_ in 

This is confirmed by Tant Clara:

Furthermore, in our dialects, if it were *_Allsupp_ (with the word for 
"all," "everything") it would be pronounced ["a:lzUp] (with a pre-liquid 
lenthened vowels pronounced like long "a" in Standard Dutch).  However, the 
dish is written <Aalsupp> (in the Lower Elbe dialects <Oolsupp>) and 
pronounced ["Q:lzUp] (with a slightly rounded long "a" as in Swedish _bra_) 
or, at the Lower Elbe, ["o:lzUp].


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