LL-L "History" 2006.03.13 (03) [E]

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Mon Mar 13 17:48:17 UTC 2006

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   L O W L A N D S - L * 13 March 2006 * Volume 03

From: Karl Schulte <kschulte01 at alamosapcs.com>
Subject: LL-L "History" 2006.03.12 (09) [E]

With all the talk (figuratively speaking!) about this area, I am reminded of 
an interesting story that my son and I were part of a few years ago (12 or 
so actually - time goes by so fast when we get old). In the Chigo near 
suburbs, perhaps within the city limit, there is a Lutheran Church that had 
a pastor who spoke wonderful German, and who gave German services / gy along 
with English, for the few Germanophones left, plus the German Consulate 
staff. One day, while visiting the consulate, he met a new lady receptionist 
of shall we say late middle age. While chatting, they suddenly recognized 
one another through the vale of the years. They had been engaged/betrothed 
before WW2, each had been told that the other had died, and went on with 
their lives. He devoted his life to the church and she married, and was now 
a widow. They had never stopped loving each other as, while it had been more 
or less arranged by their families, they had actually been in love as well. 
Because of their status, they had a rough time and were seperated..

Now they were determined to marry after a  50 or 60 year wait. He asked the 
cannon of the large Lutheran Theology school to help set up a wedding of 
suitable formality, and so he and the school did, finding the earliest "high 
Mass" as used by Luther, which was 90% the Liturgy of St. Chrysostom with a 
few God bless the patriarch/pope prayers removed, and a reduced number of 
hymns to the Theotokos (Virgin Mary). This was the early Lutheran service 
before the Calvinist influence stripped away much of the beautiful liturgy 
and ceremony. It included icons - which Luther liked, his favorite being 
Christ Pantokrator (risen Christ as Ruler of All) and the Theotokos (Virgin 
Mary with baby Jesus). This, together with the Cherubic Hymn (we who 
mystically represent the Cherubim sing the Thrice Holy Hymn to the life 
giving Trinity...., which is an introduction to Holy, Holy, Holy), the 
icons, incense (almost unknown in USA Lutheran churches), and the two 
military escorts (mine as Army Reserve officer and my son's Army ROTC group 
with swords to make an arch of steel, and the Military Order of the Knights 
of Malta, of which both were honorary high officials) made for an impressive 
ceremony.  The Maid of Honor (and now I connect the Danish/Shlesswig issues) 
was the Crown Princess of Denmark, the best man was a prince of one of the 
principalities of Germany (former of course) and there were dukes, counts 
and barons from England (they are both cousins of that family too, several 
Scandinavian countries and Germany.  There were US officials also.

Why all the pomp and circumstance? Well she was a princess of both the 
Danish and German Royal House and so was he (Prussia or Saxe-Coburg as I 
recall). Pretty heady stuff for the son of a Texas - Fries cowboy/army 
officer and a Norwegian merchant marine officer who later became a roofer.

Karl Schulte 

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