LL-L "Terms of address" 2006.05.09 (07) [E/Middelsprake]
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Tue May 9 22:17:47 UTC 2006
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
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L O W L A N D S - L * 09 May 2006 * Volume 08
From: "Paul Finlow-Bates" <wolf_thunder51 at yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: LL-L "Terms of address" 2006.05.09 (04) [E]
>From Paul Finlow-Bates
Hi Everybody;
Sort of related to this thread is the use of the 2nd pers. sing. for those
languages that still have it. I was reading just recently that "tu" is
much more
widely used in France than formerly, and that many companies encourage it
as "team
building". There is a conservative reaction to it though.
I also get the impresison that "du" is much more common now I'm
revisiting German,
compared with when I first learned at school many years ago. I still
follow the Foreigner's rule though - never use till some uses it to you!
In South Africa in the 70s Afrikaner kids routinely used oom/tannie to
adults they didn't know - is that still common?
This familiarisation goes through many languages; English originally
made the
polite/plural form the only 2nd pers. pronoun, which has the same effect of
equality that the Quakers and Levellers were aiming for by using
"thee/thou" to
everybody. People routinely ignore Mr/Mrs/Ms across generations now, to
use first
names as soon as they know them. Often, these days, you don't even learn
someone's surname till you've known them a while.
All of which I observe without judgement - I'm quite OK with Mom and
Dad. And Sir.
From: "Ingmar Roerdinkholder" <ingmar.roerdinkholder at WORLDONLINE.NL>
Subject: LL-L "Terms of address" 2006.05.09 (06) [E]
Wat mene du, Gabriele, late di los? Also nu det is min skuld, ne?
On "Bahnhoven" is nik de self ting as "Flughoven" dan?
Nei, seriös, ig wetede alrede dat ji two schalde niver wese enig, dat ware
klar fran de begin, so dat ware warfor ig fragede ju to begrave de strid-
aks on to smöke de fredes pip.
Vat you mean, me let go of you tsroat, Gabriele, so now is my fault, huh?
And Bahnhoven is not same tzing like Flukhoven then?
No, seriously, I just knew you two would never agree, never get even on
this, that was obvious from the beginning, so that's why I asked you to
bury the hatchet and smoke the pipe of peace.
Viel Erfolg
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