LL-L 'Customs' 2006.11.10 (01) [E/LS]

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Fri Nov 10 21:23:10 UTC 2006

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L O W L A N D S - L * 10 November 2006 * Volume 01

From: 'jonny' [jonny.meibohm at arcor.de]
Subject: LL-L 'Customs' 2006.11.05 (02) [E/LS]

Hi, Mathias, Ben, Utz,

you wrote:


> Dat kumt mi dwars vör, mutt ik seggen. Wenn ik vör een stohn bliev, de
> ik kenn, denn segg ik Moin und gev de hand. Elk so as he möch, man dat
> dat leeg wer, hebb ik noch ni hört.

> What the heck? How does one initiate a friendly greeting and conversation?

Thanks for your answers!

Well- I can't help! It is a matter of fact- maybe depending on regional customs.
Perhaps you should keep in mind that people in the country/region of Dithmarschen
(we're just separated by the river Elbe, north of Kehdingen/Hadeln, both partly
my home) kept the custom to wear a dagger everywhere and everytime up until the
early 19. century.

The Saga tells: When people of this region organized their equipment because
being invited as guests of a marriage they always had to take care for two types
of clothes: the one for the marriage (colourful, in normality) an at the same
time black for a burial! Because- it always happened that (depending on the
heighth of the 'waves' of this fiesta) a person was killed and had to be buried...

Perhaps- don't shake a hand possibly holding a knife ;-)? I don't know!

Just: we try to avoid any bodily contact, but always would corrupt the rule at
birthdays and other types of anniversary etc.

In the words of *our*
> They do not like to talk nineteen to the dozen. With only a few words
> they come to the point. Small talk is nearly unknown.

Yes- you've got the feeling and you're able to describe it- much better than I
could. Thanks!!


Johannes "Jonny" Meibohm

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