LL-L 'Grammar' 2007.02.07 (08) [E]

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Wed Feb 7 18:07:17 UTC 2007


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L O W L A N D S - L - 06 February 2007 - Volume 08


From: Jonny Meibohm <altkehdinger at freenet.de>
Subject: LL-L 'Grammar' 2007.02.06 (13) [E]

Dear Sandy,

you wrote:

But I do include Mathias in this sorry lot, and you Jonny, and myself!
Surely no generation passes on its language to the next unchanged.

Surely there's no such language as standard German, and surely if there
is, it'll soon be obsolete!

Isn't it true that you need to have up-to-date language books to learn
from? I don't think it's just the teaching methods that have changed
between the old "Teach Yourself" books and the new ones - it's also the
languages themselves that have changed. You can learn dead languages
from the classics - Sweet's Anglo-Saxon, Gordon's Old Norse, Wright's
Gothic and so on - but this doesn't work for living languages.

But- if there isn't any standard- what shall I hand down for example to my
children? What about schools which examine their pupils in grammar,
spelling, pronunciation? Should they perhaps stop it?
A language isn't a language whithout rules.

I'm born exactly 200 years later than Goethe, but I dare to guess that 98%
of his grammar still is used in Standard German.
That means: 2% have been changed within ~250 years, that is 0,008% a year-
just as grammar is concerned.
All of Goethes writing still can be understood (only as far as his language
is concerned, not the intellectual contents) by a person of average

The famous German physician, writer and philosopher G. A. Lichtenberg, a
contemporary of Goethe, even made a disposal that his words never should be
changed by later generations of people, otherwise they would be comdemned
... ;-) As far as I could watch today's writers (in magazines, books etc.
about his person or works) still don't.

All this of course is different with the vocabulary of a language.


Johannes "Jonny" Meibohm



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