LL-L 'Resources' 2007.02.09 (02) [E]

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L O W L A N D S - L - 09 February 2007 - Volume 02


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com
Subject: Resources

>From the latest issue of the Eurolang journal"



Ulster Scots Agency set to go on air with its own community radio

Belfast, Monday, 05 February 2007 by John McIntyre

The Ulster-Scots Agency plans to pilot up to six community radio stations
throughout the Province this summer.

The RSL (Restricted Service Licences) radio licences will permit a two week
station to be on air.

The Agency, in the pilot initiative FUSE FM (for Ulster-Scots enthusiasts),
wants these community radio stations to be delivered by volunteers from
Ulster-Scots groups with a specialist engaged by the Agency to manage the
project and train the required skills for on-air delivery to individuals
involved with Ulster-Scots groups.

Costs for the project will be met by the Agency in full, but will require
each successful Ulster-Scots group running a radio station to sell
advertising to reduce overall costs.

The Agency will cover additional resources to market the station in each
successful location.

Programming will be a full service allowing a range of music to be played.
The main broadcasting hours will be 7am to 11pm daily for a fortnight.  The
time schedule of 7 to 11pm each night will be a dedicated Ulster-Scots slot
with music, story-telling, history, Ulster-Scots language and plenty of fun
and games.

In a press release the Ulster Scots Agency said that "this is an opportunity
for the Ulster-Scots community to develop new skills set in delivering
broadcasting to their own area and it provides a platform for community
exposure to a dedicated, locally delivered Ulster-Scots radio station."

The radio initiative is seen as important because to date there are only 30
minutes a week of radio in Ulster Scots on BBC Northern Ireland.  The aim is
to run with the community stations for perhaps two years, and increase them
in year 2.  After the end of year 2 it is hoped to establish a permanent
Ulster-Scots radio station that will cover a large part of the north of

The Agency are asking Ulster-Scots groups interested in delivering a
community radio station to contact Michael McCullough, and would also
appreciate if groups who have Ulster-Scots audio recordings, e.g. music,
story-telling, lectures etc, could make this material available to the
Agency to create a database for usage on FUSE FM.

The station will be based in a mobile trailer which will be transported from
venue to venue under Agency management.

Contact: Michael.mccullough at ulsterscotsagency.org.uk  FUSE FM, c/o
Ulster-Scots Agency, Franklin House, 10/12 Brunswick Street, Belfast, BT2
7GE (telephone 028 9023 1113).



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