LL-L 'What does it mean?' 2007.02.10 (04) [E]
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Sun Feb 11 00:35:47 UTC 2007
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L O W L A N D S - L - 10 February 2007 - Volume 04
From: Ron Bronemann <ronbron7 at yahoo.com>
Subject: The meaning of "tho" used early 1500s in area of Jever, Lower
Lowlands-l members,
What is the meaning of "tho" as used in early 1500s in the area of Jever,
Lower Saxony?
Thank you for your assistance.
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: What does it mean?
Hi again, Ron.
When I first posted this (under "What does it mean?" on February 8) I
responded as follows:
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: What does it mean?
Hi, Ron, and welcome to the List!
By the way, I'm sorry you ran into a technical problem right away.
Apparently you aren't the only one that gets rejection messages from the
server. I've contacted the consultants at LINGUIST and hope we'll soon get
to the bottom of this and remedy it.
It's good to have you among us.
I'm not sure what tho is supposed to mean without knowing (1) the context
and (2) what language it is, East Frisian or Middle Saxon. Could it mean
'then', 'at that time'?
In other words, you might need to give us a few examples.
It could well be that you missed it because you were looking for your
subject line "The meaning of "tho" used early 1500s in area of Jever, Lower
Saxony". I refer you to the relevant rule (
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If you start an entirely new discussion, you are welcome to create your own
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