LL-L 'Names' 2007.01.20 (01) [A/E/LS]
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Sat Jan 20 21:51:47 UTC 2007
L O W L A N D S - L - 20 January 2007 - Volume 01
From: jonny <jonny.meibohm at arcor.de>
Subject: LL-L 'Funny foreign' 2007.01.19 (01) [E/LS]
Beste Marcus,
Du schreyvst:
> That's not quite true. To connect Xer Moor to Xermoor is relatively
> common.
> Actually most names of that form are connected. Bzflethermoor is the
> official
> form, as far as I know. Look at Google Maps, it has all of the many moors
> in
> Kehdingen and around written in one word.
Joo- weyt ick woll, man- dat is un blivvt no miin Meen'n slecht' Düütsch!
Dat hett anfungen in ‚t loote 18. Eeuw, wat unklouke Wöör opp disse Oort
tohoup-kleit worr'n sünd. Deylwiis hebbt's dat woll in neyere Tiiden weller
uteneyn-fiselt, deylwiis behoul'n.
As ick all schreeben hebb: eyn van de wichtigsten un besten neyen Sooken in
de Rechtschreib-Reform is ‚t jo woll, mang dissen unklouken Narr'n-Kroom opp
tou oybern.
De Nedderdüütschen Snakkers sülbst hebbt dit Spijoyk amend ne mitmookt,
meyhr as twey Wortstämme tohoup tou smiiten. In _Buetz-Flether-Buten-Diek_
hebbt wii gänzli' veyr doorvan.
Ick weyt ne, woans Dii dat geyht, wenn Du tou ‚n Biispeel „Kehdingermoor"
lees'n deihst. Ick daeh in miin' houghdüütschen Kopp jümmers de Betounen opp
de eyrste Sülbe leggen, un eyn Baarg tou-reiste (Touriiste[n] ;-)) Lüüd
mookt dat ouk sou. Man- in uns einheim'sche Köpp' waard de twey Deylen
liiker dull betount.
> And the Google count also votes for one word.
Un wenn hunnerdduusend Fleygen opp eyn' Hümpel sitten douht, blivvt dat
jümmer noch Schiit ;-)... Kiek inns hier: http://www.k-faktor.com/standart/
Besten Weeken-Innen ouk!
Johannes "Jonny" Meibohm
From: Mark Dreyer <mrdreyer at lantic.net>
Subject: LL-L 'Funny foreign' 2007.01.19 (01) [E/LS]
Beste Arend,
Onderwerp: LL-L 'Funny foreign'
Gawe Laëlanders,
Jy praat van grappige plaasname! Hoor nou hier...
Monsterlus, Kiss-Me-Quick-&-Go-My-Honey,
Tweebuffelsmeteenskootmorsdoodgeskietfontein, Putsonderwater,
Brandewynsonderwater, Adresonbekend (te wyte aan die dooie briewe daartoe
gerig moes hulle dit noodgedwonge verander, na 'Adreswelbekend'), Gatsrand,
Mooimeisiesfontein, ens.
Neee, onse Arend, Nooitgedagt is 'n mooi naam en welbekend in die land, in
die Transvaal Drakensberge, en die tuiste van 'n vooraanstaande boerperdras.
From: Theo Homan <theohoman at yahoo.com>
Subject: LL-L 'Funny foreign' 2007.01.19 (01) [E/LS]
> From: A Victorie <victorie.a at home.nl>
> Subject: LL-L 'Funny foreign' 2007.01.18 (03) [E]
> Moi leeglanders,
> En in Gröning lig 't plekkie: (Doodstil….)
> Arend Victorie
conc. the place-name: Doodstil.
It is named after the bridge that the grave-diggers
[in those times: neighbours] took when they were
taking someone to the last wordly resting-place.
Nowadays the dutch adjective 'doodstil' = 'deadly
quiet' and has to be divided as dood - stil;
but the place-name 'Doodstil' has to be divided as
Doods - til.
Well, let this dood be the dead, but 'til' means a.o.
'movable bridge'.
Alas, there is nothing much to be explained to the
engineers among us, because in those times such a
bridge was a plank, and nothing more.
In this case so to say a gang-board from the little
steamer of life to the solid ground of eternity.
In dutch we still and only know this word in the
combination 'duiventil' = pigeon-house.
This 'til' is a very old word, and so we know that the
finnish 'tilja' is a loan from oldgermanic.
So it looks like that the Oldgermanics were good
craftsmen in transforming trees in handy planks and
were good traders in selling planks to the finnish.
[On the year-markets: come and see, you all, come and
see, only today: 10 planks for the price of 9; use
them for your houses, coffins and ski's!]
Theo Homan
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