LL-L 'Phonology' 2007.01.26 (07) [E]
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Sat Jan 27 00:47:07 UTC 2007
L O W L A N D S - L - 25 January 2007 - Volume 07
From: Aleta Turner <aletamosquito at gmail.com>
Subject: "wicca" pronunciation [E]
On another listserve I'm on, the terms "witch"
and "wicca/Wicca" came up. I'll paste in
what I said to that goup. I'm wondering
what comments y'all might have....
Second, apparently the pronunciation of "wicca" like wika is based
upon a mistake anyway. The Old English and Middle English
pronunciations of the word were more like "witcha", hence our
word "witch". When Gerald Gardner brought back "wicca", he
wasn't familiar with the Anglo-Saxon pronunciation, and pronounced
it the way that spelling looks to us in contemporary modern English.
(This one also mentions church vs. kirk.)
(These two are separate pages - the capitalization matters!)
Aleta van Riper Turner
"Butter, bread, and green cheese is good English and good Fries."
"Bûter, brea, en griene tsiis is goed Ingelsk en goed Frysk."
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Phonology
Hi, Aleta!
As far as I know, there's an inherent difference between "witch" and
Old English wicca denotes a male witch (a warlock), and it's pronounced
Old English wicce denotes a female witch, pronounced something like
Before non-low vowels, old /k/ (written c) came to be palatalized to "tsh",
hence the difference.
Modern Low Saxon (Low German) has Wicker for the male witch and
Wickersch(e)for the female one. Saxon never developed the
palatalization rule.
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