LL-L 'Traditions' 2007.01.29 (02) [D/E/LS]

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Mon Jan 29 22:53:43 UTC 2007


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L O W L A N D S - L - 29 January 2007 - Volume 02


From: Jacqueline Bungenberg de Jong <Dutchmatters at comcast.net>
Subject: LL-L 'Traditions' 2007.01.28 (06) [E]

Ron, Thanks for sending those links again. I had missed them. It has now
been proven. The songs are not identical. ( But we had a nice afternoon
singing all those childhood songs) Jacqueline


From: Global Moose Translations <globalmoose at t-online.de>
Subject: LL-L 'Traditions' 2007.01.28 (06) [E]

Jacqueline wrote:
>OK Arend, I know that one too, but it cannot be the same melody.
>The rhytm does not fit. Have you found the music to the Vogel Hochzeit?
>A Dutch friend of mine here in Seattle and I have just spent an
>entire afternoon checking all our old books with folk songs
>but nary a "Vogel bruiloft".

Well, it's one of those standard tunes for a children's song that you find
all over the world... you know, like the common tune for Twinkle Twinkle
little star / The alphabet song / Altijd is Kortjakje ziek / Morgen kommt
der Weihnachtsmann.

But since you asked, here are some fragments of another Dutch song to the
same tune, maybe you know that one... luckily I don't remember all of it.

Drie rovers kwamen van heel ver, gewapend met een lucifer.
Fi di ral dal dal, fi di ral dal dal, fi di ral dal dal dal dal.

De rovers waren heel bekwaam, ze klommen door het WC-raam. Fi di ral... etc.

De eerste rover heette Piet, de tweede rover was er niet.

De derde rover heette Klaas, die maakte soep van tenenkaas.

De opa van een jaar of honderd werd met een klap van de trap gegooid.
(the humorous part being that "gedonderd" would have rhymed").

There must be more verses, I'm sure.

I have some special memories of the "Vogelhochzeit"; many years ago, when my
sister lived near the Hoek of Holland, we were going to Hameln in Lower
Saxony by car together, a drive of about five hours. Her son was a little
over a year then, and at some point, he started to cry, so we tried to calm
him down by singing. But the only thing that could keep him quiet was the
bloody "Vogelhochzeit", and so we had to go "fidirallala" for two hours
straight! Of course, we ended up making our own verses, in the end phase
they all sounded a lot like "and if you don't shut up now, something
horrible will happen!"

By the way, the kid grew up to be a music producer... ;-)

Gabriele Kahn


From: A Victorie <victorie.a at home.nl>
Subject: LL-L 'Traditions' 2007.01.28 (06) [E]

Moi Jacqueline, en Ron

Op disse webstee stiet ok nog wat bijzunders aover de melodie van de Vogel


En hier is ok de melodie van de Haaienbrulfte.



Arend Victorie



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