LL-L "Travel" 2007.06.13 (01) [E]

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Thu Jun 14 00:24:35 UTC 2007


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L O W L A N D S - L  -  12 June 2007 - Volume 02


From: "list at marcusbuck.org" <list at marcusbuck.org>
Subject: LL-L "Travels" 2007.06.12 (06) [E]

From: Luc Hellinckx <luc.hellinckx at gmail.com>
> Subject: LL-L "Travels"
> Ron (et al),
> What about setting up a Lowlands embassy in Second Life? :-D
> For those of you not in the know, Second Life is a fast growing virtual
> world. If Sweden and the Maldives can do it, we must surely be able to
> do it as well (and we would have the third embassy in the world on SL!).
> We could either buy an existing house or make one ourselves.
> Some of the content of the website could be reused. It's even possible
> to launch workshops!
> Imagine the Lowlands having a virtual embassy before Germany (and
> Kazakhstan :-D ) has one...now that would be a hoot!
> Kind greetings,
> Luc Hellinckx

After reading about the Swedes building up an embassy there, I had a
similar idea about creating an embassy to promote knowledge about Low
Saxon and Low Saxon itself on Second Life. I had known about Second
Life before, but only from the media. So I registered there, to see,
what Second Life is and what exactly you can do there ('having a
second life' is not too specific as a description of the concept of
the game/simulation). I had heard about hundreds of thousands people
who were Second Lifers. But I must admit, that I was very disappointed
of Second Life after I had tried it myself. I felt a bit lost. There
is this really big in-game world, but, I had no idea, where to go. You
have to attend a tutorial about how to control your character, but
there is no tutorial about what places you can go to do anything
interesting. It was all shallow, noncommittal and meaningless. A
virtual disco to dance virtually with people (or anthropomorph animal
characters) you don't know, meaningless chat, dependencies of
companies who want to make advertising for their offline products,
this kind of things I encountered. The whole thing is like a
Lustmeile. Whores on the sidewalk, blinking neon light adverts on the
walls and roofs, drunkards lingering around, that is the atmosphere I
associated. Well, perhaps I made something wrong at the start, or I
only did not find the nicer places. But I heard a statistic, that at
least two thirds of all people registering on Second Life don't log in
a second time. So I guess, I am not the only one, who couldn't figure
out, how to use it.

The Swedish embassy was only announced then and not set up, so I
haven't visited it yet. Perhaps it is really useful and a Lowlands
embassy would be too. I don't know. But I want to say: don't expect
too much. You have to invest much time (and many Linden-Dollars) to
set up a working and useful subsidiary on Second Life. Perhaps a good
old-fashioned HTML website is a better invested effort.

Marcus Buck


From: jonny <jonny.meibohm at arcor.de>
Subject: LL-L "Travels" 2007.06.12 (05) [E]

 Beste Ron,

'Lowlands Travels' looks great- but your contribution isn't very encouraging
for me- it would last half a year to write something comparable!

So I'll have to wait for other examples, nearer to the ground...


Jonny Meibohm


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Travels

Thanks a lot, Jonny!

> but your contribution isn't very encouraging for me

Well, that's why yesterday I wrote this:

> Please also bear in mind that we expect neither literary masterworks nor
long epistles (though they are definitely welcome also, and there is one now
under "Germany," "Things to Do" and "Things to Taste," and that's because I
had written it earlier).  A single to-the-point paragraph per item is just
fine, and it suits the attention span of most visitors. If you can add
graphics, audio or video files, that's cherries on top.

I put it there because I had it already, had published it elsewhere.

As I said, anything from a brief paragraph to goodness-knows-what is
welcome.  Most importantly, this is not about competing but about pooling
our knowledge to be of service -- elk een na sien koenen un na syn moeg'
(each according to his/her ability and taste).

> So I'll have to wait for other examples, nearer to the ground...

Ja, man, Jonny ... Do you really need a template and a leader? Well,
whatever floats your boat.

Yes, folks, adapted, rehashed or warmed-up works originally intended for
other purposes are very welcome as long as they are relevant.

Marcus about Second Life:

> But I want to say: don't expect
too much. You have to invest much time (and many Linden-Dollars) to
set up a working and useful subsidiary on Second Life. Perhaps a good
old-fashioned HTML website is a better invested effort.

This is also what I think about it today after reading a bit about it.
There's nothing wrong with virtual life games, but in our case this would
only work if it really served our purpose, if it reached the kinds of people
we want to reach and attract, and if it yields the best results that can be
maintained with the available time, effort and resources.

On a personal note, the looks and movements of most virtual characters give
me the creeps.




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