LL-L "Technica" 2007.09.11 (05) [E]
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Tue Sep 11 16:41:59 UTC 2007
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L O W L A N D S - L - 11 September 2007 - Volume 05
Song Contest: lowlands-l.net/contest/ (- 31 Dec. 2007)
From: jonny <jonny.meibohm at arcor.de>
Subject: LL-L "Technica" 2007.09.10 (04) [E]
Beste Ron,
you wrote:
I word-process all my own LL-L postings in Arial Unicode MS (which most
versions of Windows now come with) and send every LL-L issue out in Arial
font mode. Each person's computer then displays it, if not with the same
font, with whatever closest related font they have loaded on their
computers. Most likely this is Arial (which contains Hebrew characters
among others) or Arial Unicode MS (which contains a lot more scripts,
including East Asian scripts and IPA). So whatever you see there is what
one of your fonts is doing for you. In other words, you have it and don't
need to envy me. Hurray!
I don't like the ARIAL-Types so very much because it's sometimes hard
to distinguish the differences between:
_m_ and _rn_ *(_m_ and _rn_)*
The same with _Il_ and _ll_ *(_Il_ and _ll_).*
This doesn't matter very much if you're reading a well known language, but
dealing with e.g. a foreign dialect it's sometimes heavy duty.
Normally I use LUCIDA sans Unicode, but it's not so much better. The
clearest fonts for my opinion are the Courier-types, but I don't know if
they're able to show all these international scripts people using on the
Jonny Meibohm
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Technica
Thanks, Jonny. I can relate to that.
The problem with Courier fonts and other monotype fonts is that they do not
come with many "special" characters. Lucida (with and without Unicode) and
Arial Unicode (with and without Unicode) come with far more.
However, if you configure your mail program you can choose any font you wish
as the default, and all or most messages should then be displayed with it,
unless you use a program in which the default is overwritten. By the way,
Time New Roman does pretty well with many "special" characters also, and,
being a serif font, it doesn't come with the legibility problems you're
talking about.
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