LL-L "Humor" 2008.02.04 (05) [E]
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L O W L A N D S - L - 04 February 2008 - Volume 05
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From: Brooks, Mark <mark.brooks at twc.state.tx.us>
Subject: LL-L "Humor" 2008.02.03 (01) [E]
Ron said: "This goes to show again that humor is dangerous territory in an
intercultural and international setting."
Hell, it doesn't have to happen in an intercultural or even international
setting. Just today I got in a little trouble at work for almost the same
thing! This makes the second time in about 2 or 3 months that it has
happened. But, as of Jan 31, 2008 I have enough age and years of service to
retire anytime I want to! So, there!
I, for one, knew it was satire and I sympathize with you.
Mark Brooks
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Humor
Uh-oh, Paul! I hope I had nothing to do with that one.
But, as of Jan 31, 2008 I have enough age and years of service to retire
anytime I want to! So, there!
So there indeed! Good for you! It's nice to have that in the back of your
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