LL-L "Comprehension" 2008.07.09 (01) [E]
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L O W L A N D S - L - 09 July 2008 - Volume 01
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From: jonny <jonny.meibohm at arcor.de>
Subject: LL-L "Comprehens" 2008.07.08 (08) [E]
Dear Heather and Ron,
thanks for your attempts to enforce my engagement for old documents and for
estimating an ability of mine.
Ron, you wrote:
So, yes, I agree that Heather's paleography class is a great thing. Jonny,
so there isn't such a thing where you are. How about you starting one? First
of all, I know that you have the ability. Secondly, you could organize it as
a paleographic exercise or research circle in which no one is the
instructor, in which people just stick their heads together and help each
other along. Some of my best group study sessions were of this type. "If you
build it they will come." Lots of people are interested in local and
regional history, not to mention family history research. Who knows what
sorts of treasures some people are sitting on not knowing what to do with
them? Also, you could recruit your local librarian(s) to help with research
location and with cataloging your translations and findings. Some local
administration might provide a venue or even some funding.
Hmm- I'm not a retiree yet, so the lack of time might be the limiting
factor, at the moment. But my son is growing fast (today he got his quite
good annual school report and will start into his eighth class after the
summer holidays) and getting more and more independent, so I indeed have to
look for additional contacts and activities.
> Thanks to the internet I have been able to search the country / world for
original documents
> and have discovered a cache of mid 13th - 14th century deeds etc among
the Middleton papers
> held by the University of Nottingham. We have been over 3 times this
summer and read most of
> them and have learnt SUCH a lot.
You were able per internet to get knowledge of their existence and place
where they are kept, if I understand you right.
Spontaneously I just made an attempt to search the lists of the
'Hannoversches Staatsarchiv' and 'Stader Staatsarchiv' and found out, that
here you even can find some details (titles, short summaries) ONLINE! You
can order them (a copy?) by any certain way I havn't grasped in details yet.
That's fine, but: no document enlisted, concerning our region, before late
17th century. I guess, the older ones are not so public, but it is them
which I'm interested in.
But there is another sad fact in general around the documentations
concerning my home village: as a consequence of the 30 Years War and WWII (a
bomb destroyed that part of the Hannoversches Staatsarchiv in which 'our'
documents were kept) there isn't much left to investigate. So a search has
to be done within the extended region.
> My aim is to get back to the Anglo-Saxon charters which have not been
re-read in the original
> for some time. We are lucky enough to have a whole load of them referring
to this area dating
> from 750 onwards! But whether we will ever be allowed to handle the
originals remains to be
> seen.
Wow! What an ambitious aim! I wish you good luck!
Kind regards
Jonny Meibohm
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