LL-L "Language use" 2008.03.20 (02) [D/E/LS]
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Thu Mar 20 18:05:34 UTC 2008
L O W L A N D S - L - 20 March 2008 - Volume 02
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From: orville crane <manbythewater at hotmail.com>
Subject: LL-L "Language use" 2008.03.20 (01) [E]
Beste Luc,
Heel bedankt voor de informatie over Prof. Frederik Kortlandt. Het is
interessant te lezen.
man bij het water
From: jonny <jonny.meibohm at arcor.de>
Subject: LL-L "Language use" 2008.03.19 (02) [D/E/LS]
Beste Marcus,
hesst 'n Bült allerbesten Kroom schreeben- büsst 'n klouken Keyrl!!!
Man- *dat* geyht mii denn doch meist tou wiid:
The fact, that I voted for
the Frisian Party in our last election is proof, that I am interested in
cultural diversity and not in Low Saxon alone. I was the only one who
voted for the Frisian Party in my electoral district. The few whom I
told about it said "How could you!? You have to vote for somebody
representing our region!" (region, not language or culture or whatever).
My mother was polling clerk and told me, the other polling clerks were
all puzzled about this one vote for the Frisians. If this vote would
have been for the far right NPD (we luckily had none in our local
district) they probably wouldn't have been that puzzled, but Frisian?
That was too odd.
*Du* Knebel büsst dat ween, nu weyt' wii dat endlich! Vaterlandsverräter-
kom' Du eyrst weller no Huus ;-))!
(BTW: Un' ick hebb de Groynen wählt, van wegen de Elbvertiefung [ein solch
mächtiges System der Schöpfung weiterhin zu vergewaltigen ist
unvergleichlich schlimmer als wenn Plattdeutsch ausstirbt!!!]. Un' nu sitt
de Groynen un' de Swatten in Hamburg an eyn' Disch un' dweylt wat 'rüm...
Verdoorige Leftis!)
Mit Hochachtung:
Jonny Meibohm
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