LL-L "What does it mean?" 2008.05.15 (04) [E]
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Thu May 15 18:48:17 UTC 2008
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L O W L A N D S - L - 15 May 2008 - Volume 04
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From: Roger Thijs, Euro-Support, Inc. <roger.thijs at euro-support.be>
Subject: LL-L "What does it mean?" 2008.05.15 (01) [E]
*> From: Roger Thijs, Euro-Support, Inc.
<**roger.thijs at euro-support.be*<roger.thijs at euro-support.be>
> Subject: LL-L "Names" 2008.04.28 (03) [E]
> Baziel was the subject of jokes told by Guido Depraetere on VTM TV for
> years.
> Some of them are also on CD as wel as reproduced in comics books (I have 3
> of them).
> The language is Dutch with a strong coloration of West-Flemish of Bruges.
> Best illustrated on the CDs, but I cannot find them momentarily.
> I scanned the cover and one joke from one of the comics strip album:
> **http://www.euro-support.be/temp/baziel1.jpg*<http://www.euro-support.be/temp/baziel1.jpg>
*> **http://www.euro-support.be/temp/baziel2.jpg*<http://www.euro-support.be/temp/baziel2.jpg>
> Regards,
> Roger
Could you (or anyone) please explain Baziel's reply in baziel2.jpg?
"je zyt gy toch al aan den overkrant"
I understood it (I believe) immediately and laughed out loud, but I
don't know what that "je" is. I know "gy" is the 2nd person pronoun
here, archaic or dialect, if I understand correctly, and the "je" is,
of course, a possible 2nd person pronoun in standard Dutch, though I
wondered if it was something else here. Is it an example of pronoun
doubling, or something different?
Vriendelijk bedankt,
Howard Scott*
"You are already at the overside"
Typical for Baziel is his failing to interprete semantics in function of the
speaker. So 'overside' can only mean the 'overside' for Baziel himself.
'je zyt gy'
Our West-Flemish friends can better comment here than I can.
Some comments though:
- "je" is coastal, "gij" is more Brabantish, here the 2 are combined.
Repetition with 2 forms is also occuring in other dialects:
e.g. in Brabantish: Hedde gij...? Have you..?
The suffix "de" in "hedde" is explained as an old form of "du"
- interesting is also the orthography of y in stead of ij.
Most West Flemish dialects preserved a distinction between ei and ij, which
is phonetically lost in modern Dutch since a couple of centuries.
Unfortunately for the kids, Dutch orthograhy follows the historical origin
(with a distinctive ij or ei, to be memorized) rather than standard
pronounciation (single phonem):
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