LL-L "Language varieties" 2009.04.12 (04) [E]
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Sun Apr 12 22:03:32 UTC 2009
L O W L A N D S - L - 12 April 2009 - Volume 04
From: Roger Thijs, Euro-Support, Inc. <roger.thijs at euro-support.be>
Subject: LL-L Language varieties
> From: Roger Thijs, Euro-Support, Inc. <roger.thijs at euro-support.be>
> Subject: LL-L Travel
> When you are in Brussels it is worthwile to spend some time at the
Royal-Museum for Central Africa in Tervuren.
I scanned the lanquage maps and leave them for a few days on the server.
Copyrights may apply.
Scans are at 300 dpi for readability
Some maps are scanned in 2 parts. Unsharp sections on one part may be sharp
on the other part.
> (Jean-Luc Vellut and others) *Het geheugen van Congo, de koloniale tijd*,
Snoeck and Museum voor Midden-Afrika, 2005, ISBN 90-5349-540-1, 271 pp., 39
euro (large size, tick paper).
p 150-154 Michael Meeuwis deals with the distribution of the local
languages. There has been an intellectual war between Van Bulck and
Hulstaert. Both maps are from 1948
- Van Buclkck Map
The little numbers are not explained in this book.
- Hulstaert map
> It is interesting to add the map p 147 with population density.
> *Natuur en cultuur in de Demokratische Republiek Congo*, 2004, Koninklijk
Museum voor Midden-Afrika, ISBN 90-75894-6-94, 160 pp, 20 euro (was
published for the occasion of an exhibition in the Unesco Building in Paris
in september 2004)
p; 89-107 deals with language issues
> - the map p. 90 gives the distribution of the national languages
> the map p 91 lists the spoken languages, just names positioned on the map,
without an individual territorial border for each of them.
Hope this is usefull for whoever is interested.
Btw *Ruanda** and (B)urundi* in the East on the maps were German colonies
before 1918.
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