LL-L "Literature" 2009.02.22 (04) [A/E/LS/German]
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Mon Feb 23 00:44:41 UTC 2009
L O W L A N D S - L - 22 February 2009 - Volume 04
From: Mark Dreyer <mrdreyer at lantic.net>
Subject: LL-L "Literature" 2009.02.21 (04) [A/E]
Beste Elsie:
Onderwerp: LL-L "Literature"
Ag dankie, Elsie. Maar glo jy, hoe vinnig is onse Ron op die kolf! En nog 'n
ses op die tweede hou. Gesofistikeerd?Gmf. Ek sê mos die Australiërs het hom
Die Uwe,
From: Mark Dreyer <mrdreyer at lantic.net>
Subject: LL-L "Literature" 2009.02.22 (02) [E/LS]
Dear Rodger:
Subject: LL-L "Literature"
Referring to 'EVA'; Our Ron is *too* good at this. Much of the pleasure of
this list is sitting back & watching him bat (pardon the metaphor, I'm
working it hard latterly).
Of course I will not agreeee with your criticism, hem, for professional
reasons. On the other hand I would rather bring more weight to bear on
the peculiarity that the snake sheds its skin regularly, a suggestion that
along with it he sheds his sins & the wages of sin (death): Poo indeed...
This is certainly a serpentine property that the current crop of our
politicians would find most beneficial.
Vasbyt en herstel, hoor!
Die Uwe,
From: Mark Dreyer <mrdreyer at lantic.net>
Subject: LL-L "Literature" 2009.02.22 (02) [E/LS]
Liebe Hannelore:
Subject: LL-L "Literature"
Entschuldichen sie mich bitte, das ich ihr geschrift uber 'EVA' an Unser Ron
> nu gäw ick as Frugensminsch ok noch mien' Semp hentau.
- Up Mäkelborgs', Germany -
Un so as ümmer mien best' Gräuten!
Hard, seer hard is dit om u gedig te verstaan. Om die betekenis te snap moes
ek my Ruti uit die kamer uitjaag en als met volle steem harduit lees Toe
eers vang ek dit. Baie mooi en baie dankie!
Verskoon my tog my basterdiuts dat ek dit liewers nie in skrif wil waag nie.
As u nie alles in Afrikaans volg nie, dan sal ek dit in Engels vertaal.
Die Uwe,
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Literature
Haai, Mark!
I need to explain something here, I'm afraid.
Our Hanne follows the convention of spelling Low Saxon of Mecklenburg in yet
another German-based way. I think it was devised by Renate Herrmann-Winter
for her dictionary of the dialects of Mecklenburg and Western Pomerania. I
find this method even more unfortunate than the other German-based method I
periodically complain about. The reason: while other methods make an attempt
at differentiating long and short vowels (roughly in the Lowlands way), this
method follows the inconsistency of vowel length distinction inherent in
German spelling.
So, below please find my transliteration of Hanne's poem in three
alternative methods. Perhaps this will help.
General North German spelling:
* *
De Snaak wiest sik mit Fründlichkeit,
de tücksch ut ehr ruug' Schuppen sleit:
"Kiek daar, de Appelboom, mien Diern!
De will, man hett 'n Minschen giern."
Un Evas Snüting kümmt in'n Rappel,
fröögt em: "Hest du *daar** *ook 'n Appel,
du sühst as annern Boom so ut, -
hest woll de Pocken," queest ehr Snuut.
"Oh, nee! Mien Leiden een sööt Quaal,
wat dükert mi so deep Schicksaal.
Ik müch 't woll dit un weit nich wat,
bün giern bi di, mien Appelblatt."
"Dien Pocken stinken," kreiht s' up em daal,
"as Snakenmess", - un denn mit 'n Maal
in 't Greun. O' Eva - plietsch mœt sien. -
Wat is mit Wahren de Eden fien.
Algemeyne Schryvwys':
* *
Dey snaak wyst sik mit vründlichkayt,
dey tüksch uut er ruug' schuppen slayt:
"Kyk daar, dey appelboom, myn deyrn!
Dey wil man het 'n minschen geyrn."
Un Evas snüting kümt in d'n rappel,
vroygt em: "Hest du *daar** *ook 'n appel,
du suyst as annern boom so uut, -
hest wol dey pokken," kweyst er snuut.
"O, nee! Myn layden eyn soyt kwaal,
wat duykert my so deyp schiksaal.
Ik müg 't wol dit un wayt nich wat,
bün geyrn by dy, myn appelblad."
"Dyn pokken stinken," krayt s' up em daal,
"as snakenmes", - un den mit 'n maal
in 't groyn. Ol Eva - plytsch moet syn. -
Wat is mit waren dey Eden vyn.
Afrikaans-Nederlandse spelling:
* *
Deei snaok wiest zik mit vründlichkaait,
deei tuksch oet er roeg' schoeppen slaait:
"Kiek daor, deei appelboom, mien deeirn!
deei wil, maan het 'n minschen geeirn."
Oen Evas snuting kumt in'n rappel,
vruigt em: "Hest doe *daor** *ook 'n appel,
doe zuust as annern boom zo oet, -
hest wol deei pokken," kweeist er snoet.
"Oh, nee! Myn laaiden eein zuit kwaol,
wat dukert mie zo deeip schikzaol.
Ik müg 't wol dit oen waait nich wat,
bün geeirn bie die, mien appelblad."
"Dien pokken stinken," kraait s' up em daol,
"as snaokenmes", - oen den mit 'n maol
in 't gruin. Ol' Eva - plietsch meut zien. -
Wat is mit waoren deei Eden vien.
daol = down
deeirn = girl, honey
doe = thou
dukern = weigh down
kweeist = complains
plietsch = clever, cunning, sharp
rappel = rattle, fast speech
schikzaol = fate
snoet = (snout) mouth
snuting = deinty mouth (< snoet)
tuksch = sly
> nu gäw ick as Frugensminsch ok noch mien' Semp hentau.
Now I, as a woman, will add my ("mustard") fifty cents' worth.
A widespread feature in these dialects is g-epenthesis when suffixing
results in a long vowel being followed by another vowel: /fruu+en/ ->
/fruu+g+en/ 'women'. (*Frugensminsch* (*vroegensminsch*) = *vroumens*)
Seattle, USA
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