LL-L "Cultural contacts" 2009.01.11 (07) [E]

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Sun Jan 11 22:24:53 UTC 2009


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L O W L A N D S - L - 11 January 2009 - Volume 07
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From: Luc Hellinckx <luc.hellinckx at gmail.com>
Subject: LL-L "Cultural contacts"

Beste Mike,

You wrote:

And, getting back to Luc's example, MY humble (or not so) opinion is, if, as
described, it was "a close knit community of Koreans", and they had their
social values (and rules), and the Japanese woman chose to live there with
them (cause it was cheap, i suspect!), then she should have better accepted
the values or ship back home!

Actually happened the other way round. The Japanese woman (Aki) is a sexer
(checking the sex of chicks) and she's quite aware (and ashamed) of whatever
sort of racism Japan has exerted in the past (burakumin for example). There
used to be quite a lot of Japanese sexers here in Europe, but recently they
have been replaced by Chinese and Korean sexers, because they're cheaper. It
leads too far to describe in what kind of conditions these people are
working, but let me just tell you that a bunch of sexers always operate in a
group on a very tight schedule. Aki's been doing the job for almost ten
years now (Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Spain) and is very
well adapted to European life, the Koreans have recently been "transplanted"
en masse from Korea, and are very, very invisible. Yet, the experienced
sexers (very few left) have to live 24 hours a day with the newcomers (often
days in a row). Result = tension...but also friendship apparently, 'cause
her boyfriend is Korean *s*.

  I have spent too many hours listening to ex-pats (alas sometimes myself
included!) complain about the "way THEY do things here". As THEY say in the
good ole US of A,

a) if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen

b) my country, love it or leave it

c) there's two ways of doin' things:; my way and the highway!

(that was a multiple choice test; did you pass?)

I choose a)...do I win a price now? *s* Btw, I hope a) also applies to
non-American kitchens? *s*.

Kind greetings,

Luc Hellinckx



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