LL-L "Language programming" 2009.01.11 (06) [E]

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Sun Jan 11 22:22:16 UTC 2009


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L O W L A N D S - L - 11 January 2009 - Volume 06
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From: M.-L. Lessing <marless at gmx.de>
Subject: LL-L "Language programming" 2009.01.10 (01) [E]

Dear Jacqueline & Reinhard,

beautiful! This melody thing is just what I use to memorize numbers! I find
I have a tendency to short sections. I normally take two-digit or even
one-digit sections, never three. If you memorize groups of three-digit
numbers you have to think of many more syllables than when memorizing single
digits, at least in german!

When memorized, a number gets completely transformed into melody and I can
rely on the melody. Exception: A number that is transformed into movement,
like a PIN code. The movement supports memory, but I found I don't memorize
the movement only; the sound is the main thing.

Once I wanted to give an english speaking person my phone number, I thought
I knew it perfectly; but in fact what I had memorized was a piece of song
with german words :-)) I literally had to listen to my number, visualize the
digits and translate them into english. So much for memorizing "numbers"




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