LL-L "Resources" 2009.07.31 (01) [EN]
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Fri Jul 31 15:03:41 UTC 2009
L O W L A N D S - L - 31 July 2009 - Volume 01
lowlands at lowlands-l.net - http://lowlands-l.net/
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From: Roger Thijs, Euro-Support, Inc. <roger.thijs at euro-support.be>
Subject: Ll-L Resources
While sorting CDs I have been looking on the web for finding more info
avout the West-Flemish folk group *O'Djavel.*
They sing in traditional streetbalad folk style in West-Flemish (from
*I'm looking for help.*
*Is the group O'Djavel still actif? Is there any info about them on the web?
The CD I have in house is O'Djavel, "*Lijf*"; GRD Producties nr GRD 951125
I have bought it several years ago.
The GRD website is momentarily in maintenance.
I guess the name *O'Djavel *has been choosen for getting an Irish
folksingers' look,
however it is just a fonetical transcription of "eau de javel" (sodium
hypoclorite water from the district of Javel)
Web search brought me to a *West-Flemish cookbook* (in Dutch with some
I logged a copy of it on my website for in case the link above with
space-characters doesn't work:
On page 18 of 62 (pdf numbering) it has the text of
*'t Zwien*, a song in WesFlemish by *O'Djavel*.
I ripped the corresponding track from my CD and leave it on the web for a
short while:
There is the *text* of an other West-Flemish song in the cookbook:
p. 38 of 62: *Secitse* sung by the (former) singer from Kortrijk: *Johny
Turbo *(Ivan Carlier, 1955-2000)
I also ripped the corresponding track:
This comes from CD Johny Turbo: "Veske Zjever", Onadisc/Reli-records
It is easier to find stuff about him on the web, as e.g.:
with links to texts at the bottom of the page, leading e.g. to:
Futher I found two songs on YouTube (with not relevant imaging):
Slekke http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYrm8L-k8jU
Oude zak http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_DuVNJlx88
But I didn't find an answer to my question:
*What happened to O'Djavel?*
*Is there somewhere more info about this group?*
Thanks and regards,
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