LL-L "Resources" 2009.05.06 (01) [EN-FR-NL]
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Wed May 6 15:51:18 UTC 2009
L O W L A N D S - L - 06 May 2009 - Volume 01
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From: Roger Thijs, Euro-Support, Inc. <roger.thijs at euro-support.be>
Subject: LL-L Resources
*> L O W L A N D S - L - 27 April 2009 - Volume 02*
*> From: Roger Thijs, Euro-Support, Inc. <roger.thijs at euro-support.be>
> Subject: **Ll-L Travels
* *> 2 - Edingen (Enghien) was a Brabantish-speeking municipality before
WWII. Together with 2 adjacent municipaties (now absorbed) It switched to be
completely French with the language census of 1947 and because of that
stayed in the province of Hainaut. During the negotiations in the period
1955-1962 the Flemish could get some protection by what is called
*I understood at the tourist office, elder people are bilingual Dutch(incl.
Brabantish)-French, young people are French-speaking only except for some
recent immigrants from the North.etc etc*
*> L O W L A N D S - L - 25 April 2009 - Volume 02*
*> From: Roger Thijs, Euro-Support, Inc. <roger.thijs at euro-support.be>
> Subject: LL-L "Resources" 2009.04.21 (07) [D]* *> Edingen*
*> Er is daar wat in het dialect uitgegeven volgens de toeristische dienst.*
*> Contact Mevr. de Preter.*
*> Ik heb een verkeerd telefoonnummer meegekregen. Moet ik verder nog
Here are all data from an order confirmation for the *2 books in Brabantish
Dialect from the (now Walloon) municipality of Edingen*:
**** quote:*
*Ik zal uw de twee boeken opsturen na ontvangst van het bedraag van 12 euros
te storten op de volgende nummer: 192-1025011-54.*
*Vriendelijk dank,*
* Anne Deprêter
Service animations
Avenue Reine Astrid, 18b
7850 Enghien
Tél : 02/395.59.06
* *Fax : 02/395.95.16*
**** end quote*
e-mail: service-animations at enghien-edingen.be
address on the enveloppe: De Preter Anne, rue des Capucins 11/18, 7850
Both books consists of stapled pages in offset, with a plastic cover.
Text on the right sides,
Pictures on some of the left pages in Vol. 1,
Left pages blank in vol 2
The first volume is titled: *"Une Pensée d'Enghien"*
no author no date on front pages
though marked on the botton of the right pages:
"Ed. resp.: Anne Deprêter Date: 1/2/2000 Contact: 02/395.59.04"
With credentials on the last page:
*Mèi t'collaborouse van:*
* Jef en Suske van de Carillong*
* Willy dit Kilowat*
* Jean den Olefant*
* Jannick, t'maske van de Olefant*
* Yves, de wetel*
* Nelly, 't maske van Fraeno*
* Anne, 't klamaske van Fraeno en 't maske van Prêiter*
*En bedankt oun Georgio en allemoû de cameroûten*
The pages are not numbered, I count +- 35 text sides (right sides in the
This volume is a vocabulary + expressions with translations in Dutch and
*Ne patak méi de pèle*
Une pomme de terre en chemise
Een aardappel met de schil
*Da was éit geschèite*
C'était quelqu'un
Dat is mij wat voor iemand [comment: Dat was iets gescheten]
While the expressions are pure *Brabantish*, the song is mainly *Edingen
Its basically about the resistance of Edingen dialect AGAINST Dutch.
*On z'a voulu nous tapeie morts,*
*Et flamandiseie not'vill et no'bell langue;*
*Mais nous-z a pas spiteie dehors*
*Après ça ils peuv'tencor attendre*
*Onzen Eghiennois*
*Das giene patois*
*T'es de toûl van Enge*
*Criere, rouspeteire,*
*Pour la liberteie,*
*De Titjes van Enge*
etc etc
Resistance against Dutch has been found in many municipalities along the
language border as well as in Northern France.
This gave a split in 3 groups:
- Speakers of *French*
- Defendants of the municipal *Brabantish* dialect (mostly believing in a
coahabitation with French)
- Defendants of *(Belgian) Dutch,* the Flemish movement.
Since at the language border one was used with French, Dutch was felt by
many as an artificial esperanto-type language.
So many rather preferred French over Dutch.
Since municipal authorities often were French-minded (in this case the
municipality was and still is, part of the walloon province Hainaut) they
encouraged people for marking themselves as French-speaking at the occasion
of the 1947 language census (considering that "Edinghen-Brabantish" and
"Dutch" are not the same, and that "Edinghen-Brabantish" was not listed as
an option on the federal census forms; further the 1947 census was close to
the end of WWII, with residual anti-Germanic feelings, including bad
feelings against some Flemish enthousiasts who used the occupation for
getting their case supported).
Just this:
The *cohabitation* of local Brabantish dialect with French didn't last for
It ended with, or is ending with, French only.
Vol 2: *Une pensée d'Enghien 2*
no author, no date
about 40 text pages with blank backsides, not numbered
same style,
with a little dialog
and ending with 3 recipees in 3 languages:
Tarte à matton
Couilles de Suisse
[comment: balls of rised dough cooked in boiling salty water]
*Parâsoupe mèi bauretienen*
Preisoep (bauretienen = witte bonen)
Soupe de poireaux
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