LL-L "Orthography" 2009.05.19 (01) [EN]
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Tue May 19 22:25:24 UTC 2009
L O W L A N D S - L - 19 May 2009 - Volume 01
Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08)
Language Codes: lowlands-l.net/codes.php
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Orthography
Dear Lowlanders,
As some of you probably know, until around the beginning of the 20th
century, Afrikaans used to be written with an adapted Arabic-script system
in Southern Africa's Islamic communities.
There is a blog snippet about this:
I would like to run my "tweaking" of the example of 1877 by you for your
Arabic script:
ا٠د٠ÙÙÙÙÙÙÚ Ù Ø³ÙÙÙب٠اس بÙÙÙدÙÙÙ ÙÙÙÙÙ٠اﷲ تÙÙÙÙعٲÙا ا٠ڤارÙÙÙÙ٠اﷲ
تÙÙÙÙعٲÙا اÙس بÙاس ÙÙÙر٠آÙÙدÙ٠اÙتÙسÙ
Close transliteration:
ÊÇn dÄ« kÅ«niÅ skap ÊÇs bÄ«dÄ« hÅ«ka ÊallÄh taÊÄlÄ ÊÇn wÌÄrlik ÊallÄh taÊÄlÄ Êis
bÄs fiar ÊÄldÄ« Êits
En die koningskap is by die hoka (= hoge) Allah *ta῾ÄlÄ*. En waarlik Allah *
ta῾ÄlÄ* is baas vir al die iets.
*ta῾ÄlÄ* 'may be be exalted'
And the kingdom is with the high Allah (may he be exalted!). And verily Allah
(may he be exalted!) is master over all things.
- Short /i/ and short /e/ are shown as indistinct, which points toward a
*schwa* pronunciation as in *en* and *is*.
- In *vir*, both short /i/ and short /a/ are indicated (atypically two
vowel diacritics). I take this as an attempt at symbolizing a low central
vowel before /r/.
- Long /o/ had already undergone raising to [u:], as in *hoge* = *hūka*.
(Unfortunately, this brief sample does not show if raising had already been
applied to long /e/.)
- The velar fricative, spelled *g* in Afrikaans, is shown as *k*. I
assume that the speaker (most likely a person from what is now Indonesia)
pronounced it as [k].
Seattle, USA
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