LL-L "Etymology" 2009.11.16 (03) [DE-EN]
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Tue Nov 17 02:14:53 UTC 2009
L O W L A N D S - L - 16 November 2009 - Volume 03
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From: Henno Brandsma <hennobrandsma at hetnet.nl>
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2009.11.16 (01) [EN-NDS]
Some additions:
From: Marcus Buck <list at marcusbuck.org>
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2009.11.15 (05) [EN]
From: Hellinckx Luc <luc.hellinckx at gmail.com <mailto:luc.hellinckx at gmail.com
> Subject: LL-L "Etymology"
> What's the Saxon verb for a cow chewing her cud?
There are maps in the dtv-Atlas Deutsche Sprache for both "wiederkäuen" and
The detailed map at page 201 shows, that there is much dialectal variety,
much much more than the overview map on page 200 can depict.
Marcus Buck
Middle Dutch also had "edericken" for "adderkauen".
Modern Dutch has "herkauwen", while West Frisian has "wjerkôgje".
From: DAVID COWLEY <DavidCowley at anglesey.gov.uk>
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2009.11.15 (03) [DE-EN]
Jonny - In Old English we have quite a few words with 'ed', which seem
to be used much like Latin 're'. For example:
restitution edgift
restore, renew edniwian
restorer edniwigend
revive edcwician
restore edstalian
reestablishment edstaðelung
return edwendan
remunerate edgyldan
In Dutch and Frisian there are some relics too: etmaal / etmiel (now a 24
hour period, but originally used to mean any recurring time), etgroen
(Dutch) for the second growing of grass (where older forms point to
ed-groed, the second is of the stem of "grow" etc, English dialects have
"edgrouth"/"edgrow" according to my Dutch etymological dictionary, WF has
"eart" of unknow origin, possibly related to ed- as well (I don't have
access to the papers discussing this). Also "ettelijk" (several), German
etlich, WF "ytlik" is also thought to have -ed as a first component.
Henno Brandsma
From: Hannelore Hinz <HanneHinz at t-online.de>
Subject: LL-L "Etymologie" 2009.11.16 (01) [EN-NDS]
Hallo Lowlanners,
*aderkaugen,* a d e r k a u e n wiederkäuen, zum alten Adverb *ader ,
edder *wieder;
bes. vom Rindvieh; aber auch vom Pferd: *dat Pierd kaugt ader *; übertr.
auch vom Menschen: *dee aderkaugt noch; *auch scherzhaft für den
Verdaungsvorgang: *dor sitt hei nu un aderkaugt* Reuter; bei schwerer,
eiliger Erntearbeit heiÃt es: *hüt geiht't uns as de Käuh, wi möten sluken,
oewer Nacht ward aderkaugt; *vom ungeschickten Raucher: *dee aderkaugt dor
up *(auf der Pfeifenspitze)*; *vom Vielsprecher: *de möt aderkaugen nachts
in 'n Bedd;* etwas gründlich durchdenken: *still för sick satt so recht
benaut Telemach un oaderkaut' sin Gedanken;* ferner von schlecht sitzender
Kleidung, wenn die Hose hinten zu weit ist und Falten wirft: *denn'
aderkaugt de Bücks so vör 'n Hinnelsten; *ebenso: *de aderkaugt schön
*wedderkaugen *wie *aderkaugen *HagenowVellahn
Lit.: Wossidlo/Teuchert
From: Hannelore Hinz <HanneHinz at t-online.de>
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2009.11.15 (03) [DE-EN]
Leiw' Lowlanners,
Wossidlo/Teuchert vermellt dit:
Nahmadd, -mahd f. Nachmahd, der zweite Grasschnitt der Wiesen, im Gegensatz
*Vörmadd; Namatt *secunda messis, graminisque foenique; tadelnd vom
schlechten Mäher: *dei lett glik dei Nahmad stahn* Ro Gribn.
Ernteregeln: *Ãgidi (1. Sept.) ward dei Nahmadd meiht; Micheil (29. Sept.)
warden Ketüffel klei't un Nahmahd meiht.*
Die räumliche Verbreitung von Nahmadd und Nahmahd verzeichnet D. WA, 1. FN.
: Walther Mitzka, Deutscher Wortatlas. Vom 5. Bande an Walther Mitzka -
Ludwig Erich Schmitt. GieÃen 1951 ff. FN. Flurname, Flurnamen. *
Hartlich Gräuten.
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