LL-L "Technica" 2010.02.08 (01) [EN]
Lowlands-L List
lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM
Mon Feb 8 16:29:32 UTC 2010
L O W L A N D S - L - 08 February 2010 - Volume 01
lowlands.list at gmail.com - http://lowlands-l.net/
Archive: http://listserv.linguistlist.org/archives/lowlands-l.html
Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08)
Language Codes: lowlands-l.net/codes.php
From: Pauline A Christensen <Polly.Christensen at colorado.edu>
Subject: LL-L "Technica" 2010.02.05 (01B) [EN]
Dear Rheinhard,
I can read this. I have a Mac using OS 10. The e-mail program is Entourage
set to read Unicode 8.
Polly Christensen
Longmont, Colorado
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Technica
Thank you so much for letting me know and for mentioning your operating
system, Polly!
Also, welcome to the talking circle!
Seattle, USA
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