LL-L "Technica" 2010.02.08 (02) [EN]
Lowlands-L List
lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM
Mon Feb 8 20:54:48 UTC 2010
L O W L A N D S - L - 08 February 2010 - Volume 02
lowlands.list at gmail.com - http://lowlands-l.net/
Archive: http://listserv.linguistlist.org/archives/lowlands-l.html
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From: Roger Hondshoven <rhondshoven at yahoo.com>
Subject: LL-L "Technica" 2010.02.05 (01B) [EN]
Sorry, Ron, I only see question marks on my pc.
Roger Hondshoven
Diest (East-Brabant) Belgium
From: "Joachim Kreimer-de Fries" <soz-red at jpberlin.de>
Subject: LL-L "Technica" 2010.02.07 (05) [EN]
Am 07.02.2010, 23:07 Uhr, schrieb Reinhard/Ron:
Thanks, Luc.
You wrote:
That's why I also advocate Joachim's suggestion.
Do you mean his suggestion to go back to plain text?
Thank you, Luc, for backing my suggestion!
Reinhard further:
If so, this would, of course, take us back years and would deprive
us of many useful text-formatting tools.
Dear Reinhard & all,
I did not propose to throw away our Office applications and to use
only plain text editors to tell the world our great thoughts and
consolidated findings!
It's only that I advocate the default use of plain text e-mails,
especially in Newsgroups and Mailing lists. (Exceptions can be
As it is, the LL-Listmails are the ugliest and worse readable of all
mailing lists and newsgroups I follow.
Can you tell me, Reinhard, which are the "many useful text-formatting
tools" which we were deprived of when our e-mails would be presented
by the mailing list as they are, be it plain text (which I would
prefer) or (html-) formatted?
After a rough overview on the last 30 LL-L mails I found only two
"features" where html formatting were needed:
From: Hannelore Hinz <HanneHinz at t-online.de>
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2010.02.04 (03) [EN]:
Pierd, n. Spr. Perd, Pl. Pierd', Schreibung auch Pir, als Aussprache.
Also Pferd: equus.
Hingst, m. Hengst, männliches unkastriertes Pferd.
Roß, n. Roß, Pferd.
Zossen, m. altes Pferd, abschätzig.
=> That is, the bold fonts at the beginning of the lines. And similar
other cases.
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Etymology
Good question, Paul. Modern Low Saxon has both slang and snaak for
"snake", but in Old Saxon and Old Low Frankish I can only locate
I wonder if Low Saxon snaaksch and Dutch snaaks 'droll', 'weird', were
derived from snake > snaak 'snake' (thus *"snakish").
=> That is, the use of italic fonts as with the words »snaak for
"snake"«, »Low Saxon snaaksch and Dutch snaaks 'droll'«.
And similar other cases, also from Hanne Hinz.
That I put italic fonts so big, is a demonstration what uncivilized
formatting is possible with html-mails.
In my opinion, this is not really necessary. In plain text I would have typed:
Pierd, n. Spr. Perd, Pl. Pierd', Schreibung auch Pir, als Aussprache.
Also Pferd: equus.
Hingst, m. Hengst, männliches unkastriertes Pferd.
Roß, n. Roß, Pferd.
Zossen, m. altes Pferd, abschätzig.
'snaak' for "snake"«, »Low Saxon 'snaaksch' and Dutch 'snaaks' =
'droll'« or similar.
BTW, last point:
Better yet to avoid the lavish, though counterproductive work to
present our contributions in digest mode - with the result, that it is
almost impossible to read through a thread of answers and follow-ups
to a certain matter. - Admitted, I don't know the restrictions of
linguistic.org, perhaps we are all the user lowlands.list at gmail.com
the only sender address which appears in LL-L.
Met echt-westfœlsken »Goutgaun!«
PS: What about my proposal, to change - within the administrative
settings of the list - the "Reply-To: lowlands.list at gmail.com" mail
header to the real posting address
"LOWLANDS-L at listserv.linguistlist.org", so that klicking "reply" would
put this correct address into the To:- field already …
Kreimer-de Fries
Osnabrügge => Berlin-Pankow
Mac BacicTeX 2009 - TeXShop 2.29 / TeXworks 0.2.3
LyX 1.6.5 - MacBook Pro intel OSX 10.4.11 Tiger
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Technica
Thanks, Joachim.
"Ugly" ... huh? Hmm ... Ain't in the eye of the beholder?
Bolding and italicizing are two very useful devices in linguistics. In
plain text we would have to put words into * * and / / respectively,
and / / also stands for phonemic representations in linguistics.
(Italics are always used for foreign segments in English.)
Most people's submissions don't come with > or other markers for
quoted text. Many of them have other colors or a gray line. In plain
text I would have to manually mark everything, which is a lot of extra
Once in a while I, once in a blue moon someone else submits something
with tables. Simulating tables in plain text comes out with uneven
spacing on different systems. Talking about "ugly" ...
I'm not talking about what people initially use to compose their
texts. I'm talking about the actual email messages.
I did change the "Reply to" thing. Thanks also for that.
Seattle, USA
Sent in plain text
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