LL-L "Language varieties" 2010.03.15 (01) [EN]
Lowlands-L List
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Mon Mar 15 15:59:23 UTC 2010
*L O W L A N D S - L - 15 March 2010 - Volume 02*
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From: R. F. Language varieties<sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Language varieties
John (Tait),
My apologies for calling you "Jim" this morning. I wasn't totally awake.
You wrote today under "Grammar":
What I used to call 'Shetlandic' - in the sense of a common perception of
the Shetland dialects - can now be definitively said not to exist.
I know that you have discussed this in installments before, John. But I
wonder if you could summarize for us why "Shetlandic" does not exist and how
we should now label the dialects of the Shetland and Orkney Islands in light
of this. If I understood you correctly, I ask why now "Shetlaen" (the native
name) instead of what seems to be the English equivalent: "Shetlandic".
By the way, I have been made aware of two people having translated the Wren
story (http://lowlands-l.net/anniversary/english.php) into Shetl...
I have long wished for at least one version is Shetl... (preferably
accompanied by audio). To see these posted without being included in or
collection (http://lowlands-l.net/anniversary/) is highly frustrating to me.
I wish people would "donate" them to the "source", even if they wish to do
so anonymously. (I would keep anyone's name confidential if requested.) This
has happened before. Someone posted a Jersey Norman version for another
forum and never responded when one of us asked them to share it with us. Of
course it's their prerogative to use our story and not to share their own
versions, but it's highly frustrating to me, as you can probably imagine.
Seattle, USA
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