LL-L "Tradition" 2010.09.06 (03) [EN]
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Mon Sep 6 23:20:45 UTC 2010
*L O W L A N D S - L - 06 September 2010 - Volume 03
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From: Sandy Fleming <sandy at fleimin.demon.co.uk>
Subject: LL-L "Tradition" 2010.09.06 (02) [EN]
> From: Ed Alexander <edsells at cogeco.ca>
> Subject: LL-L "Tradition" 2010.09.06 (01) [EN]
> you might want to check with your local synagogue. (4) If the
> Resurrection was on Monday, why is Easter always on a Sunday. Can
> Christians really have been that mistaken for so long?
It's a valid way to count, just as in French we say "huit jours".
In arithmetic it's always necessary to make it clear whether "A to
B" (eg "Friday to Sunday") is inclusive of both endpoints or exclusive.
And of course they may both be included or excluded, or one excluded and
the other excluded, so there's a fair bit of leeway depending on your
cultural counting systems.
So if we say Jesus rose on the third day, that could be Sunday, it all
just depends.
By the way, as I've explained before, in Scots Sunday _must_ be taken as
the first day of the week and this gives expressions such as "next
Wednesday" much more range and accuracy than in English.
Sandy Fleming
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