LL-L "Lexicon" 2010.09.06 (04) [EN]
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Tue Sep 7 01:04:20 UTC 2010
*L O W L A N D S - L - 06 September 2010 - Volume 04
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From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Lexicon
Dear Lowlanders,
When it comes to “lobster” (*Nephropidae*), specifically “European lobster”
(*Homarus gammarus*), I want to say *Hummer* in Low Saxon (as also in
German), although I am aware that in some parts of Northern Germany, such as
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, the word is *Lobster* (probably due to
English influence).
The Nordic Germanic languages all have variants of *hummer*, as do
Lithuanian (*omaras*), Latvian (*omārs*), Estonian (*homaar*) and Finnish (*
hummeri*), and also the Slavic languages.
Aiming at an interregional readership in a Low Saxon writing project, I need
to decide whether to use *Hummer* or *Lobster*. What is your advice?
Seattle, USA
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