LL-L "Language politics" 2010.09.14 (04) [EN]
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Tue Sep 14 20:49:55 UTC 2010
*L O W L A N D S - L - 14 September 2010 - Volume 04
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From: Henno Brandsma <hennobrandsma at hetnet.nl>
Subject: LL-L "Language politics" 2010.09.14 (02) [EN]
From: Paul Finlow-Bates <wolf_thunder51 at yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: LL-L "Language politics" 2010.09.13 (02) [EN-NL]
Also interesting....except I don't know what (or where?) "de Grondwet"
actually is!
What the USA would call the constitution (I believe the UK does not have
Literally "ground-law", so "most basic law", in a way. Probably a loan
translation of Grundgesetz, I suppose?
I was also surprised to find (if I've understood correctly) that there are
semi-officially English-speaking places - Sint Eustatius and Saba; are they
in the Caribbean?
They are, yes. The other half of St. Maarten (a.k.a. Saint-Martin) is a
French "self-governed colony" (collectivité d'outre mer), so I supposed
knowledge of French would be widespread, but according to the Wikipedia
page, most people speak English there as well (being descendents of English
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