LL-L "Language maintenance" 2011.12.15 (05) [EN]
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Fri Dec 16 06:47:47 UTC 2011
L O W L A N D S - L - 15 December 2011 - Volume 05
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From: Paul Finlow-Bates wolf_thunder51 at yahoo.co.uk
<marless at gmx.de>
Subject: LL-L "Language maintenance" 2011.12.15 (02) [EN]
Hi Douglas,
We're all becoming experts on Danish in this country, due to the great
popularity of *Forbrydelsen* ("The Killing") on BBC Channel 4! I was
particularly interested in the episode where Lund and Stange go to Sweden,
to hear the difference.
But seriously what you say about consonants in Danish is happening in
English in youth culture. My son, at the ripe old age of 34, says he can't
understand anyone in London younger that 25! I hear youngsters at the gym,
and have to replay what they say in my head to work out what they're
saying. It's a string of vowels with glottal stops and gaps. Even the
signature expression "Innit!" has become "I'-i'".
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