LL-L "Names" 2011.07.01 (02) [DE-EN]
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L O W L A N D S - L - 01 July 2011 - Volume 02
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From: Roger Thijs, Euro-Support, Inc. roger.thijs at euro-support.be
Subject: LL-L "Names" 2011.06.30 (03) [EN]
> From: M.-L. Lessing marless at gmx.de
> Subject: LL-L "Names" 2011.06.30 (02) [EN-NL]
> ??? In Germany as ü? This surprises me. "Thies" is a very common family
name in northern germany. I would have pronounced "Thijes" somewhat like it.
Am I very wrong?
I lived some time in Essen-Heissingen and there people pronounced "Tüs" for
I guess it is by analogy to Thyssen, better known in that area.
> From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
> Subject: Names
> I have come across the surname Thyssen
The industrial Thyssen have their roots in Aachen,
cf. http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thyssen_(Unternehmerfamilie)
August Thyssen studied at the commercial high school in Antwerp
cf. http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/August_Thyssen
From: list at marcusbuck.org
Subject: LL-L "Names" 2011.06.30 (03) [EN]
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Names
Roger, Lowlanders,
I kind of go along with what Marlou writes above, although I would
Thies, which is also spelled Thieß in Germany, [tʰiːs].
I have never encountered the spelling Thys in Germany. If it *is* used, I
expect the older pronunciation to have been [tiːs] and more recently (under
Classicistic influence) have become [tʰyːs].
I have come across the surname Thyssen ("son of Thys") several times and it
was pronounced [ˈtʰyːsən] or [ˈtʰʏsən]. Originally it must have been
*[ˈtʰiːsə(n)]. (It's related to English Matthews, Danish Madsen, Swedish
Mattson, etc.)
Middle Saxon and Early Modern Low Saxon have Matties [ˈmatis] and Mattis
[ˈmatɪs] for Matthew (< Latin *Matthæus, Matthias* < Greek Ματθαῖος *
Matthaɪ̃os* < Hebrew מתתיהו *Matiθyahu*). As far as I know, this did not
come to be reduced to the second syllable since stress is on the first
You can map first names in Germany at <http://www.gen-evolu.de/>. "Thies" is
solely common in Schleswig-Holstein and a narrow stripe of bordering
northeastern Lower Saxony.
I don't know exactly about Middle Saxon, but the modern name "Matthias" is
stressed on the second syllable and I don't see why this shouldn't have been
the case with the precursor of the "Thies" variant.
Closely related is the name "Theis" which also occurs in the north of
Germany and goes back to "Tewes" and (at least that's what I think)
It did come to be reduced to Matt, however, and in extension to
familiar Matten (as in "Matten Has'" - http:/lowlands-l.net/groth/matten.php
I'm pretty sure that "Matten Has'" is from "Martin" not "Matthew".
Marcus Buck
From: Hannelore Hinz <hannehinz at t-online.de>
Subject: LL-L "Names" 2011.06.30 (03) [EN]
Beste Frünn',
ick müßt' eins in leege Tieden bi ein' Grotbuern in Schwerin-Warnitz Hufe 1
deinen un de hett heiten :
Ehlers-Thiessen. Thiessen hebben wi ümmer mit ein langet i snackt.
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