LL-L "Culture" 2011.06.18 (03) [EN-NL]
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Sat Jun 18 23:39:20 UTC 2011
L O W L A N D S - L - 18 June 2011 - Volume 03
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From: Hellinckx Luc luc.hellinckx at gmail.com
Subject: LL-L "Culture"
Beste Roger,
Je schreef:
We live in a world in movement. Migration, whether legal or not, is changing
social patterns. In the Brussels municipality of Molenbeek most inhabitants
are migrants of the last few decades. Many came from Morocco. There is a lot
of social pressure on us, Belgian aboriginals, to adjust to the new culture.
A union of policemen complains that in Molenbeek police officers are no
longer allowed to eat, smoke and issue fines during daylight in the ramadan
period. Although this is officially denied, the pressure is apparently real.
*"Molenbeekse agenten moeten meedoen aan ramadan"*
*De politieagenten in Molenbeek moeten meedoen met de ramadan. Ze mogen niet
eten of drinken overdag, en niet verbaliseren. Dat zeggen interne
politiebronnen aan de krant Het Laatste Nieuws en het wordt bevestigd door
politievakbond NSPV. Een woordvoerster van de gemeente ontkent dit. *
*Bart Velle, verantwoordelijke bij de neutrale politievakbond NSPV voor de
Brusselse gemeenten, zegt dat hij al meerdere klachten in die zin heeft
gekregen, en dat al enkele jaren op rij. Over de vraag om niet te
verbaliseren of niet te eten of drinken, bestaat evenwel geen officiële
nota. "Ik krijg klachten van collega's daarover, en ik geloof die mensen.
Maar er staat niets op papier. Ik heb geen bewijzen", aldus Velle.*
Denk jij dat politie tijdens dat andere feest (karnaval, innig verweven met
het katholicisme) even streng optreedt tegen dronken burgers, nachtlawaai en
dies meer als tijdens de rest van het jaar?
Met vriendelijke groet,
Luc Hellinckx, Halle, Belgium
From: Pat Barrett pbarrett at cox.net
Subject: LL-L "Culture" 2011.06.18 (01) [EN-NL]
Yes, Americans are overwhelmingly religious. How deep that religion is is
another question. I work in a Catholic school, am resolutely secular, and
have no problems.
As I indicated in an earlier post, our divisions are along racial lines,
Black/White. As we speak, the Hispanic population of this country is
expanding so that even small towns in out-of-the-way places have taco
stands, but within two generations Hispanics' culture will be like that of
Italian Americans' and Greek Americans', who have little left of their
culture except a few ethnic dishes and perhaps church membership.
What seems to protect us from what Europe is going through (I just saw 2
veils on Muslim women, one a few weeks ago and one a couple of days ago, on
the university campus, my first time seeing veils except in Muslim
settings.) are our institutions, particularly the legal ones. The
Conservatives cries of "Sharia Law is coming to Tulsa" only provoke
laughter. Even in areas of high Muslim concentration, I'm not aware of
anyone forcing changes on Americans. I have a friend, a Pakistani Muslim,
who is very religiously conservative and I can't imagine him asking anyone
to change their institutions to accomodate him.
But, as with us, when large numbers of immigrants pour into a country,
there'd better be some planning. Now people are upset that whole schools are
Spanish-speaking and local institutions have to employ Sp-speaking staff;
what did they expect with their $5.00 hamburgers and $20 shirts?
Pat Barrett pbarrett at cox.net
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