LL-L "Phonology" 2011.05.21 (01) [EN]
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Fri May 20 17:43:44 UTC 2011
L O W L A N D S - L - 21 May 2011 - Volume 01
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From: mike.keach at gmail.com
Subject: LL-L "Phonology"
Ron, et alia:
There was a transitional period twixt OE and Middle English where this G = W
thing happened and there was even a special letter for it. It looked like an
angular 3 and I think it was called a Yod but I may be getting my
Hebrew/Yiddish involved here since the REAL Yod came into existence in the
16th or 17th c.
But I know this letter existed. I don't see it in my Battle of Maldon but
later citations, p'raps. Thoughts?
Alles beste
~Mike von Tampadorf (wo Fruhling ist caput! Summer ist jetz glucklich wie
ein Made im Speck.)
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