LL-L "Language varieties" 2012.08.01 (03) [EN-NDS]
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Thu Aug 2 02:21:02 UTC 2012
L O W L A N D S - L - 01 August 2012 - Volume 03
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From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Language varieties
Dear Lowlanders,
Dick's Salland Low Saxon version is now available online:
Thanks again, Dick!
Seattle, USA
From: Joachim Kreimer-de Fries <Osnabryg+Lowlands at googlemail.com>
Subject: LL-L "Language varieties" 2012.08.02 (01) [NDS]
Moin Dick & ålle,
Am 01.08.2012 um 01:02 schrieb Dick van Faassen:
Short lesson Sallaands (SDZ) I feel like a teacher, (Grin)
Dank di, miin läärmester, for de folkuomende uutkunft for wat bedrept de
uutsprake van de Sallandske verkleyn-endingen *"-(t)ien, -(t)ies". *Nu weet
ik et auk for et Afrikaansk.
*** he’j = heb jij = hast du
was mi keen probleem, "hestu / he-ji" heft wi auk in Westfœlsk.
Man d'r is wat anders uopen bliëven: de uutsprake van Sallandsk *"jij" *
bispelswiis in "Hij gaapte mit zien grote ogen zo ons nussien binnen.", "En
hij vleug d’r achteran." (DvF)
of de fraag anders stelt: Wat is de verschil tüsken *"hij"* un *"hi-j of
bi-j" *in de uutsprake? (Diin verklaring in IPA "[hɪj ɪs bɪj mɪj]" vermag
ik nich uut te leggen, et zii ås [hɪ: ɪs bɪ: mɪ:], dat heet
lang-monophthongisk, man et zol wol diphthongisk ziin - miin fraag:
määr in richting [hɪə ɪs bɪə mɪə] = lichte fallende diphthong of [heɪ ɪs
beɪ meɪ] = stiggende diphthong???
Met echt-westfœlsken »Goutgaun!«
*-- OT: Please cite/quote always only the relevant/necessary part(s) of
messages when answering to them, this would unburden our mailboxes a little
bit! --*
Kreimer-de Fries
Osnabrügge => Berlin-Pankow
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