LL-L "Phonology" 2012.01.05 (01) [DE-EN-NDS]
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Thu Jan 5 19:18:22 UTC 2012
L O W L A N D S - L - 05 January 2012 - Volume 01
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From: Theo Homan theohoman at yahoo.com
Subject: LL-L "Phonology" 2012.01.04 (02) [EN]
From: Ingmar Roerdinkholder <roerd096 at PLANET.NL>
Subject: LL-L "Language varietiess" [EN]
I think there may be a connection with what's called dyslexia and
metathesis. Our youngest son, now eight years old, has some difficulties
learning to read properly, the teacher thinks he may be dyslectic.
And in his speech, whether he's reading our just speaking, metathesis
regularly occurs, especially in longer, difficult or 'learned' words. E.g.
navigatie-systeem becomes nagivatie-styseem (car navigation system),
parkeerplaats becomes karpeerplaats (parking place) etc.
This kind of 'speaking-mistakes' are quite common for children, and can
last til the 10th year.
This shouldn't be connected with dyslectic problems.
Theo Homan
From: Hannelore Hinz <hannehinz at t-online.de> <hannehinz at t-online.de>
Subject: Phonology
Hallo Lowlanners,
Dat is je ein deip loten Thema. Ick heff mi so gaud as ick künn mit befat'.
'DUDEN 5 Das Fremdwörterbuch' vermellt: *Metathese* u. *Metathesis* :
in einem Wort, auch bei Entlehnung in eine andere Sprache (z.B. Wepse
-Wespe, Born -Bronn)
Un denn heff ick noch dit funn':
Un bi 'Wissen.de/Bildung' stünn schräwen: Umstellung eines Lautes innerhalb
eines Worts; häufig bei *r** *(z.B. Bo*r*n - B*r*unnen).
Ein Henwiesen up dat Bauk:
Phonetically Based Phonology EDITED BY Bruce Hayes, Robert Kircher and
Donca Steriade, copyrighted Material CAMBRIDGE, s. Seite 117
'The evolion of metathesis' JULIETTE BLEVINS AND ANDREW GARRETT:
Dat künn oewer ok sien, ick vermell di hier Olle Kamell'n.
Hm, jüst tau rechten Tied noch 'n Gedanken, denn müßt dat je ok bi
Nedderdüütsch so taugahn...?
An jug all' best' Gräuten.
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