LL-L "Literature" 2012.06.10 (01) [EN]
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Sun Jun 10 20:44:16 UTC 2012
L O W L A N D S - L - 10 June 2012 - Volume 01
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From: Roger Thijs rogerthijs at yahoo.com
Subject: LL-L Literature
In the Netherlands and in Northern France there has been a practice of
creating literature and presenting it in local cercles. It has had its best
time in the 17th & 18th century. I guess at the time every village had its
"rederijkerskamer". So what we find in writing in the archives is a lot of
kitch, but also some perls.
See in Dutch and in French:
The French rhétorique is ambiguous since it usually rather refers to create
speaches for "convincing" others. I guess rhétorician in English is similar.
In Dutch we call our literary hobbyists "rederijker".
Van Dale translates into "rhetorician" for English and into
"Meistersinger" for German.
I guess they do not find the proper word since the concept was very typical
for the Low Countries.
The Flemish in Northern France are maintaining (or reviving) this tradition
and, for exercising their local Flemish, and ask their participants to
compose stories/speaches with ten imposed words.
Attached is a newspaper report (in French) in pdf about such an exercice in
Noordpeene in Northern France. For the occasion they had a group of
visitors from Zeeland.
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